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Re: [Linux-aus] Agenda for SGM, AGM 15 Jan 04

Stewart et al,

> Indeed, I have been involved with meetings where motions (and decisions)
> are placed on the agenda and the decision is taken as given unless the
> item is starred for discussion (this is how you get through 400+ pages
> of agenda in less than 4 hours). In this scenario, the meeting starts
> with asking if anybody has any extra items to be starred. I just haven't
> brainwashed Pia enough yet to do this for the AGM :)

There is a general principal at law that someone may move:

 "That the motions be voted on individually"

It would be *wise* for the chairperson to vote all the motions at once
but there's nothing stopping the motion I wrote getting up.

"Theoden is a kindly old man. Denethor is another sort, proud
 and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though
 he is not a king." [Gandalf the White to Peregrin Took]

For this week and the next, consider me as Denethor; if you
wish the Steward's kindness, then make no haste to insult him, 
or the lands under his watch.