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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 02:16, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> You did. The crucial difference is that by doing it at LCA, all interested
> parties were able to sit down and talk it out. Potential hosts, previous
> hosts and at last year's at least, the committee. Sure, it reduces the lead
> time organisers get for the event, but if an equivalent process with as much
> involvement can be found (as you suggested in your next para), I would be
> happy to support it. But I personally feel, particularly after being one of
> the linux.conf.au organisers in 2001, that this is a very important... hm...
> tradition or institution to keep alive.

Point taken,

but there's also the argument (esp now) that organising the conf is
taking *more* than a year (there's already melb people starting to think
about, talk about and plan for 06).

Maybe a mailing list for past organisers could be useful for such
discussions (and seeking advice)?

> > I think you've just convinced me that regular summaries/newsletter type
> > things are a Real Good Idea(tm) to keep the communication levels up.
> Good, good, good. Enquiring minds want to know. And I want you guys to say
> stuff so people stop assuming that I know everything through Pia. I don't.

hahaha - know that one :)

okay - sounds like more summaries and news items will be useful.

bug me (cron emails are fine) for them if they're too long in coming.

Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Vice President, Linux Australia

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