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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 23:19, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> This is a specific case, and one that I too am not happy about (I just
> hadn't expressed that publically yet). Here's why: In previous years, the
> tradition was to select the location *at* the conference, so everyone could
> sit down and have a good chat about it, and nut it out together. That didn't

Hopefully my previous mail explaining some of the reasons in making the
decision early helps clear up the non-happiness. 

> I honestly think the real solution to your problems is to fix the openness
> and transparency problems the committee has had this year. I understand that
> it may be hard to do in the first year of newfound openness (LA was
> previously either mired in public flamewars, not doing anything at all, or a
> very closed non-community organisation). It's hard particularly when LA has
> had to rebuild itself from square one due to the mistakes made in the past.

I think (and hope) that at least this year we've made a fairly big dent
in the problem - and although not a perfect solution, it's pretty darn
good. While there is progress still to be made - how far we've come (as
you illustrate) is pretty impressive.

> If the elected committee can fix that this year, LA will totally rock. I
> think that's the source of your problems. Well, as well as you QLD dudes not
> getting involved in the community enough. :-)

I know both Pia and myself (and others) intend (well, want to, assuming
we're re-elected) to keep fixing these problems and make LA rock so hard
you'll only find it in the "heavy" section :)
Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Vice President, Linux Australia

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