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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

<quote who="Christopher Yeoh">

> At 2004/1/8 20:12+1000  Anthony Towns writes:
> > Personally I expect people who've had a chat with Leon or Pia about
> > Linux Australia anytime in the past few months could give a much better
> > summary than that. Unfortunately, if you're not in Sydney or Perth, you
> > don't get much chance to do that.
> I agree with Anthony that having a committee member local helps with the
> information flow. Nearly everything I know about what LA has been up to in
> the last year has been due to talking to committee members in person.

Hrm, actually, one thing that no one has addressed: Don't you think the idea
of having to speak to someone locally to find out about LA is a bad thing in

I think that is a bad thing. We should not have to do that. LA should be
properly reporting to the community via the mailing list, announce list and
minutes. This year, the committee hasn't delivered on this all that well.

I'm sure that all this energy will make sure they do so this year!

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway                    http://2004.guadec.org/
   "Boys will be boys, hackers will be hackers, geeks will be geeks, and
     cyberpunks will always just be ravers with Macintoshes." - Monkey
                            Master, Crackmonkey