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Re: [Linux-aus] Nomination for OCM

Second. I think a business point of view would be an interesting
supplement to the community focus of Linux Austraila.


On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 17:39, Robi Karp wrote:
> Hi all again,
> If it turns out I am not elected President I would like to self
> nominate for OCM.
> My reasoning is pretty much the same as for President nomination
> (email attached).
> I believe that I have a lot to offer Linux Australia by way of my
> experience as a Linux developer and running a Linux development
> business.
> - Robi Karp
> --
> Fluffy Spider Technologies        Linux / Unix / Wireless / Real Time
> http://www.fluffyspider.com.au/   Embedded / Telecomms & IN
> phone:  +61 2 9281 9055           fax: +61 2 9281 2944
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Robi Karp <robi@fluffyspider.com.au>
> To: linux-aus@linux.org.au
> Subject: Nomination for President
> Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 12:38:29 +1100
> Hi Linux Australia Members,
> My name is Robi Karp and I am nominating myself for the position of
> President of Linux Australia.
> About Me:
> ---------
> With a degree in Comp. Sci and Mathematics from UNSW I have a
> professional background in software development.  I have about 20
> years programming experience on Unix and Linux and about 9 years
> experience focused on the business side of software.  I am 38 years
> old so these years overlap (for those of you doing the maths).
> In 1995 I started Fluffy Spider Technologies where I am currently the
> Managing Director.  FST is a unique software house, based in Ultimo,
> Sydney.  We provide software solutions for Linux with a strong
> emphasis on Embedded Linux systems.  We have had the fortune of
> working with large international companies, developing innovative
> Linux based systems for their products. 
> Consequently I understand the needs of the development community
> along with the needs of business and I understand how Linux can best
> serve those needs.
> What I believe is important in 2004 for Linux in Australia:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Linux and Open Source / Free Software are getting a lot of mainstream
> press lately.  There is much activity in Embedded but there is also
> plenty of consideration going into how Linux and Open Source can be
> applied to the Desktop, the Server market and the Enterprise.
> I believe that 2004 will be a beachhead year for Linux as it starts to
> make real inroads into mainstream corporate IT.
> Linux Australia has a job to do.  In needs to be a central point of
> focus, fact and information for Linux and Open Source.  Linux
> Australia needs to help Government and Corporates understand what
> Linux and Open Source can do for them, how it can help them save money
> and increase reliability.  It must promote Linux and Open Source as a
> feasible and superior alternative.  It must combat FUD and
> misinformation.
> 2004 will be a very important year for Linux in Australia.
> What I can offer to Linux Australia as President in 2004:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> I bring with me years of experience in:
> - Running a Linux software business.
> - Helping customers understand what Linux and Open Source are about
>   and how they can gain from Open Source and give back to Open Source.
> - Dealing with the legal issues surrounding Open Source, ex. tailoring
>   contracts to deal with GPL (BSD, LGPL, etc.) licensing.
> - An extensive network of contacts in the industry.
> - Promoting the benefits of the Open Source community.
> - Communicating effectively with Government and Corporates.  Finding
>   the best way to promote issues to them and receive the maximum
>   benefit from them.
> - Publicity and Media.
> - Efficiently organising groups of people.
> - Being involved with, and running, community organisations, for
>   example the ISOC-AU Privacy and Security Working Group (in 1997).
> Linux Conf 2004:
> ----------------
> Unfortunately I won't be able to attend Linux Conf 2004.  I have some
> business matters that will keep in Sydney over the period.
> However I would be very happy to meet with people in Sydney between
> now and then (or any time really).
> - Robi Karp
> --
> Fluffy Spider Technologies        Linux / Unix / Wireless / Real Time
> http://www.fluffyspider.com.au/   Embedded / Telecomms & IN
> phone:  +61 2 9281 9055           fax: +61 2 9281 2944
> ______________________________________________________________________
> - Robi Karp
> --
> Fluffy Spider Technologies        Linux / Unix / Wireless / Real Time
> http://www.fluffyspider.com.au/   Embedded / Telecomms & IN
> phone:  +61 2 9281 9055           fax: +61 2 9281 2944