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Re: Merging Linux Australia and AUUG: [Linux-aus] Nomination

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 20:29, Bret Busby wrote:
> [ ... a somewhat way out there email ... ]


If you don't like the way the organization is being run, you have
several options:

1. Quit Linux Australia.

Simply do not renew your membership, and you won't have to trouble
yourself with us anymore.

2. Vote against the current Committee at the AGM.

If you won't be there, send in a proxy [A GPG signed email would do
nicely] either voting for someone else, or abstaining.

3. Stand for the Committee yourself.

If your personal moral standards are so high and beyond reproach then
perhaps we would benefit from your presence as a Committee Member. [I
regret that I personally would not be seconding any nomination you make,
but I'm sure you can find someone]

I would ask, however, that you restrain yourself from further statements
of your opinion about elected Members of Parliament. I would further ask
that you desist from using such comments to illustrate your opinion
about the character of the members of the current LA Committee - in
doing so you are getting a tad close to slanderous libel.


Myself, I am a Member of several Professional Societies and subscribe
fully to their Codes of Ethics. I do my best to be professional in my
dealings with my colleagues and in discharging my responsibility to the
constituencies/stakeholders of the organizations on whose Boards I sit.
I certainly have been open in dealing with any conflicts of interest
that may arise; such circumstances are commonplace in any assembly; the
onus is to be open and forthright, and I'm certain my colleagues would
attest to that if you were to ask them.

I for one am proud of the effort that we have put in this year, and hope
to be able to continue next year - that's why I'm standing for
re-election. I am happy to justify our actions to anyone. I would,
however, prefer to do so in a forum where respect, dignity, and a sense
of appropriate behaviour is maintained.

Linux Australia

Andrew Frederick Cowie
Operational Dynamics Consulting Pty Ltd

Australia: +61 2 9977 6866  North America: +1 646 472 5054
