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Re: [Linux-aus] Nomination

dammit - too many good people nominating for positions - voting is going
to be *hard*.

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 18:41, Anthony Towns wrote:
> Okay, since I couldn't sucker anyone else^W^W^Wconvince anyone more
> capable from Brisbane to stick their hand up, I'll nominate myself for
> an ordinary committee member position.
> I've been involved (to some extent or other) in the Linux community since
> '95 or so, and in the Debian community particularly since '98, writing
> useful bits of software, and otherwise trying to make sure Debian doesn't
> suck any more than it has to. I've been on the linux.conf.au papers ctte
> each year since Anand invited me to join the Sydney papers ctte in 2001,
> and was one of the organisers for the 2002 conference in Brisbane, which
> I assume actually happened and came off okay, even if I can't seem to
> remember it.
> By far the most successful activity Linux Australia's undertaken is
> the promotion and continuation of Linux.Conf.Au over the past few
> years. LA's mostly kept a fairly light hand on l.c.a's, aiming mostly
> to ensure that the hosting LUG knows what it's doing, and dealing with
> some financial details from year to year, with all the actual work
> (organising, preparing, promotion, fielding media questions, dealing
> with the problems that come up) left up to the hosting LUG. I think Linux
> Australia should aim to stick to this level of involvement: find things
> that have worked for some LUG/s and promote them so they work nationally,
> provide support and encouragement where it's sustainable, useful and
> wanted, but otherwise let the LUGs do what they like.  I think LA's job
> is assisting with projects that are already supported by LUGs and other
> .au Linux communities, and trying to encourage small local trial projects
> that can be built up into bigger projects in an evolutionary fashion.
> I think LA can best achieve this by being continuously involved with
> all the Australian LUGs, and I think that involvement is best achieved
> by having a representative from each state on the ctte, who can promote
> and report on activities their LUG's undertaking, and pass on the word of
> other states' activities back down to the local level and maybe encourage
> some state rivalry. I think there's plenty of nifty projects that have
> happened in other states, and I'd love to make sure that the good ones
> can get repeated in Queensland. I think LA is the perfect organisation
> to make that sort of coordination possible.
> I'm also eager to see more business and government take up and involvement
> in Linux and I think LA, along with the l.c.a organisers and AUUG, are
> playing a great role in that area, so long as that involvement builds on
> the strength of our existing community, and that while we're rocketing
> off towards the stars, we don't rip our roots out of the ground.
> (Hrm. This seems to be missing something. Oh, I know -- energy! But that's
> easily fixed! Just add exclamation marks! Vote for me!!! GO ON!!! YOU
> KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!! ;)
> Cheers,
> a "I'm excited!" j
Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.org.au>
Linux Australia Inc

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