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[Linux-aus] Nomination (OCM): Daniel Stone

Hi all,
I, Daniel Stone <daniel@fooishbar.org> (GPG key 3CED7EFD, which this
mail is signed with), do hereby nominate myself for the position of
ordinary committee member on the Linux Australia committee.

I have been rather active and visible within the community for a while
now, and am very excited about the possibilities Linux Australia holds
in the next couple of years - a crucial time for LA and Linux in
general, IMHO.

First, a bit about myself, and where I've been.

I'm currently a member of a couple of projects - I'm a Debian Developer
(maintaining dbus, dbtcp and apache2's mod-xslt; co-maintaining XFree86
and apache2), an inactive KDE developer (no bandwidth at home with which
to keep up to date with CVS, and can't really do GUI work remotely), and
an active worker on a number of facets (both technical and
organizational) of the KDE-Debian project[1]. I'm a LUV ordinary
committee member (voted in again after my 2002-2003 term), and an
administrator/queue monkey on Debian Planet. I was formerly an IRCop
with both OPN (now Freenode) and OFTC, and I used to maintain KDE for
Debian, and also used to hack on Kopete[2].

I work for a FLOSS-friendly organization, who have supported my
work, and indeed funded my work on XFree86 4.3[3], and a few other
projects. I have just recently finished school, which has meant that I'm
now coming to a stage where I have the time to fulfill my commitments.
While I have been an OCM of LUV, I have not been active since the AGM in
August (my platform stated that I would not be able to really step up
until this year - I have no such restrictions with LA), but am starting
to step up now. I've been able to stay afloat within Debian, and of late
(the past couple of weeks), dedicate huge amounts of time to KDE-Debian.

Now, where I see LA as going, and where I think I fit in to that end.

I am incredibly excited by LA: I've seen it go from Anand, to what it is
today, and can only see it going even further (!) in the future. It
parallels my experience with Linux; in July 2000, I was working at a
multinational, and I had to fight tooth and nail to get "this Linux
thing" in as a backroom server. Now that same multinational is
participating in OSDL, and others are queuing up to be associated with

I have a reasonably penetrative reach into quite a few FLOSS projects,
which I believe is a great asset; also, I have experience in what I
perceive to be the next big step for LA - LUGs. LA have made some first
steps in increasing LA<->LUG<->LUG collaboration, such as the joint
LA/LUG committee meetings (LUV has the pleasure of hosting Pia and
Stweart at a committee meeting in 2003), and the lug@ mailing list, and
generally being more active. However, I believe this can be taken even
further, and am prepared to take this on as a personal burden to see it

I also see Linux as being increasingly adopted in the corporate world,
as it is increasingly perceived as a mature solution, evolved from a
cool new toy. Again, I have experience here, having overseen a gradual
rollout within a multinational, and being involved in
KDE-Debian/KDE::Enterprise (which involves collaboration with Debian
Enterprise, etc). I will be more than willing to effect anything that
makes Linux more corporation-friendly (as long as it doesn't compromise
our core goals), as much as possible within LA's framework.

I'm willing to carry through, from my initial ramblings here, to
functioning as a LA committee member. I look forward to serving the
entire community.

So, having read through all that (or if you just skimmed to the
interesting part), here's what I'm offering LA:
  * Enthusiasm and optimism, tinged with pragmatism.
  * Contacts within many projects, including (but not limited to),
    Debian, KDE and LUV.
  * LUG experience, and experience heading up projects and working both
    unilaterally, and part of a team ("team" varing from 2 to 950
  * Committee (1.5 years) and corporate (2.5 years at a multinational,
    the last few weeks immersed[4] within enterprise-targeted
    subprojects) experience.
  * Committee experience.
  * A willingness to get hands-on and commit myself to a task.
  * Height to compensate for Pia's lack thereof, and a stunning[5]
    fashion sense.

If you want to know more about me, you can peruse my (truncated, due to
an accident with 'cp', as detailed in the bottom entry) blog at
http://www.fooishbar.org/daniel/blog; unfortunately, I don't maintain a
webpage at present.

:) d

[1]: The distribution side of
     http://desktop.kdenews.org/strategy.html; unfortunately, that
     document is quite badly out of date and does not represent us
[2]: http://kopete.kde.org: the Jabber plugin, and some core code.
[3]: Packaging it for Debian, which was no small task.
[4]: And I do mean immersed.
[5]: ... ly good.

Daniel Stone                                              <daniel@fooishbar.org>
"The programs are documented fully by _The Rise and Fall of a Fooish Bar_,
available by the Info system." -- debian/manpage.sgml.ex, dh_make template

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