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[Linux-aus] LinMagAu - LCA2004

In order to give all those folks who cant attend the conf a look
at what is going on, LinMagAu would like to offer the following:

During the days of the LCA 2004 Conference..
and the preceeding miniconfs..  Jan 12th to 17th

The LinMagAu site will be focused on the happenings
in Adelaide..  allowing all those who are attending to
post their experiences.

The site will be updated pretty much on a continual basis
so long as the submissions keep coming in..

Pretty simple.. click the link.. and add a few words about
your experiences of the day.. good and bad..
raves on speakers, rants of the great job the committee has done..
even moans and groans about what you didn't like..

You can post anonymously if you wish..
or include your preferred nick/name in your blurb.

If you are running your own blog/diary page etc..
then just leave a link ..

This way LinMagAu (whilst not attending the conf in person)
is still able to bring a least a taste of the excitement to
the community at large.


Please feel free to on post this to other lists as you see fit :)

Kimberly Shelt