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Re: [Linux-aus] Nominations! Nominations!

On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 15:34, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Pia Smith">
> > Get in and get involved! We need and want enthusiastic people who can help
> > shape Linux Australia. People with energy and time very welcome :)
> > 
> > Post all nominations to linux-aus, and pass the word around the UGs.
> So, can people renominate for other positions closer to the date, if there
> are too few people for a particular role? Like, I can understand why Jason
> is not running for VP (I wouldn't nominate up front for it either, I don't
> think), but what if no one else nominates? What if only one person noms for
> a position (at the last moment), but people decide more choice is required?
> (This is probably a lame call, because they should have nominated already
> anyway.)

Nominations close in 4 days, the constitution demands 7 days prior to
the elections that they close. If we want to do it properly, we have to
stick to this. If you see a position vacant, then nominate someone you
think is appropriate, but we can't constitutionally take any calls from
the floor unless a position is completely vacant. The only way to be
safe is to have either the right person nominated or a choice nominated
before the 7 day deadline. 

> I guess I want to make sure that adequate choice is preserved, even though
> we're stuck with the old constitution rules this year.

Hopefully the constitution proposed changes will be passed at the SGM at
LCA (just prior to the AGM, same place, same time, see LCA schedule) and
then we won't have this problem again.
