[Lias] AUC and intranets

Simon Bryan simon.bryan at olmc.nsw.edu.au
Wed Sep 1 06:12:01 UTC 2004

OK, I see a number of possibilities:

1. decide as a collective what the 'essential' features are? (harder than
it sounds) and just do those for now. But this sounds like re-inventing
the wheel with respect to something like Moodle.

2. use Moodle (or other) with WebDAV for directory access. Are there any
'pretty' front end systems for this already?

3. If the 'project' is to continue....has anyone got an ICT or IP class
that needs a project converting/creating html screens?

On Tue, August 31, 2004 6:29 pm, Ken Yap said:
>>I don't know much about AUC, but looking at the sourceforge site and
>>list, it doesn't look like much is going on there. The PHP rewrite
>>didn't seem to get very far.
> I'm going to have little time to devote to the rewrite as I'm working
> full-time now. Converting from the HTML layout to PHP is very tedious
> and very discouraging for someone who prefers to program and hates
> twiddling HTML to get the appearance right. AUC makes extensive use of
> tables to line things up but the C code for generating HTML is a
> nightmare so I worked from the screen appearance.
> A lot of the HTML conversion could be done by volunteers, leaving out
> the embedded PHP logic for a programmer like me to deal with. Get a
> group of volunteers and each take one screen to convert, putting in
> static data where the query results are to go, that would help and
> encourage me to tackle the embedded query logic and personalisation
> (e.g. colours, user specfic strings). I don't even know how many
> distinct screens there are; I haven't looked at all the program paths;
> it would be probably faster to run through the program and enumerate
> them. If it gets past this barrier, PHP5 with XSL support and WebDAV for
> URI access would probably be the way to go.
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Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta

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