[Lias] /etc/skel

Simon Bryan sbryan at olmc.nsw.edu.au
Tue Sep 2 14:11:01 UTC 2003

Hi all,
At least I woke this list up today!!   :-)

On the issue of the /etc/skel - it copies the directories and files, but the panle
items and desktop layout are not copied and are simply the default ones.

I set up a user as required (called student), then did
cp -rf /home/student  /etc/skel
to copy the directories such as Open Office then
cp -rf /home/student/.* /etc/skel
to get all the dot files and directories, however not only did it copy all the dot
files but all the directoires one level up in /home!!! When I found this happening i
changed the procedure to delete /etc/skel and then
mv /home/student /etc/skel
chown -R root.root /etc/skel/

Now when I create a user the files are all copied from /etc/skel but the menus and
panel options seem to be coming from somewhere else. For instance 'student' has Open
Office in their 'favourites' menu and Galeon is on the panel, but when I create a
new user neither of these things happen.

I did have skel=/etc/skel umask=0077 in the call to pam_mkhomedir.so, taking them
out has made no difference so habe left them out (I think they are the defaults).

Does this give anybody any ideas?

Remember this is an LTSP server using winbind to authenticate users, the users home
directory is setup with pam_mkhomedir.so on first login. We are running gdm (is that
why we default to Gnome?)

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta

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