[Lias] Linux on the desktop - NO?

Simon Bryan sbryan at olmc.nsw.edu.au
Tue Sep 2 08:59:01 UTC 2003

Ken Yap said:
>>> To create a standard desktop you can do the following:
>>> Create a user, customize the user's desktop to your liking.
>>> Copy that user's home directory to /etc/skel
>>> Then, when you create a new user, all the settings will be copied over.
>>Nice theory, but it doesn't seem to work here! Have done that a number of tim
>>es for
>>no result.
> Did you remember the -m option to useradd?

I guess the problem is that there is no 'useradd', they are winbind users and the
home directory is made by pam_mkhomedir - maybe I need to look in there?

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta

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