[Lias] Linux courses

Paul Gear paul at gear.dyndns.org
Fri Nov 22 11:48:02 UTC 2002

Leon Brooks wrote:

 >On Friday 22 November 2002 10:27 am, Alan Byrne wrote:
 >>My question is:  Does anyone know where I can learn how to use linux?  I
 >>want to learn how to do hardcore things like setting up apache, squid and
 >>use scripts.  Are there courses available that will start off with the
 >>basics and end with in the advanced stuff?  Or a combination of courses?
 >>I’ m not very good when it comes to learning from a book or from an 
 >>curriculum, instructor led would be best.
 >Will be soon. Stay tuned.
 >You can also read documents like Rute (Google for it).

Rute is definitely a comprehensive guide for the beginner.


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