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Re: [Lias] squid problems

Some snippets from the error log would be most helpful here. Without them I can only guess but I have in the past only run into probelms with squid for 2 reasons:

1. disk full
2. cache corrupt

the disk fills up because the squid log files are really big. You can make some configuration mods to reduce them (see squid.conf) Also the cache size you ask for is not in proactice the bound on the cache actually created by squid. Run df to take a look at the available space on your disk partitions, delete log files and reconfigure etc.

the cache gets corrupt very infrequently. When it does you can simply blow it all away (with an rm -rf /var/spool/squid/*. When your restart squid it will reconstruct an empty cache (or run squid -z)

(I'm going to bed now though ;-) )

Trevor Gunter wrote:

I'm running squid (on a rh7.2 box I think it is). For no apparent reason,
today, squid simply stopped running.

The proxy server was still up and can be pinged ok but no squid. Reboot did
nothing. Previously, if squid is running and I retype "squid start" , I get
the message squid is already running. Typing squid -k shutdown now confirms
no squid process running.

I set the caching directories to be the standard ie /var/spool/squid/

This happened once before about 3 months back, at that time I just redid the
server and reset the squid.conf file.Took about an hour.

Can anybody give me some ideas of what to try. Thanks in anticipation.


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