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[lca-announce] Linux.Conf.Au 2004 update
L i n u x . C o n f . A u 2 0 0 4 U p d a t e
December 11, 2003
Just over 4 weeks to go - and it's all getting a little bit exciting!
*** Hackfest programming contest
Work has been busily going on in preparation for the Hackfest - we've
been negotiating a wonderful prize (details coming soon!) and Chris Yeoh
and his team have been busily writing the client library for you to
interface to.
More details on the hackfest can be found at
If you want to maximise your chances of winning the prize, you need to:
- register for the conference (if you haven't already - see
- register for the hackfest (at
- and then you'll receive instructions on how you can download the
client library which your tetrinet bot will be interfacing to!
Start coding now - and join those whose eyes are fixed firmly on taking
out the prestigious honour of being the first hackfest winner!
*** Speaker Coaching at Linux.Conf.Au from IIT Training
A Speaker Awareness Session
Most of us are Open Source hackers first and speakers from time to time.
And some of us can speak very well too! But there's always room for
improvement, which is why IIT Training has offered a coaching package:
* A one-hour public session on Tuesday evening, just before the
Speaker's Dinner. A lighthearted look at what usually gets
done badly and how to fix it, with Garry Arnold
* Coaching individually or in small groups in the four days
of the main conference, in "IIT Hall" near the main lecture
Got cold feet already? :-) If you would like to book a coaching session
in advance just send an email to hands-on@iit-training.com.au with
subject, "LCA Coaching".
We recommend all speakers (and perhaps budding speakers!) attend the
public session -- if you aren't presenting at LCA it could still be your
LUG that gets the benefit, or perhaps your board of management.
Linux.Conf.Au is very grateful to IIT Training
(http://www.iit-training.com.au) for providing this valuable service
free to conference attendees.
*** FIXIT sessions
Want to come out of LCA making a difference to the Open Source
community? You can do it - LCA2004's FIXIT's are a great chance to do
this. To remind you what a FIXIT is - it's basically the same as a BoF,
but with an intended outcome; that is, hands-on group sessions where you
can contribute back to the open source community through discussions and
problem solving. And as if that's not enough, there's also great prizes
we'll be giving away for the best FIXIT :-)
We've had discussion forums for the FIXIT's live for a while now, but
we're announcing a new lca-fixit mailing list today! You can sign up at
http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/lca-fixit - brainstorm possible
FIXIT's & discuss in depth those already chosen. Sign up today, and see
how crazy this list can get.
Anybody can run a FIXIT; all you need is an intended outcome. See the
FIXIT webpage (http://lca2004.linux.org.au/fixit.cgi) for more
*** Registrations exceeding expectations
Just a quick reminder that if you're hoping to register at the last
minute you may be disappointed - registrations are now occurring at such
a fast rate it looks pretty certain that we're going to sell out early!
Register now to secure your spot, and to make sure that you don't miss
out on the benefits that people who have already registered enjoy (like
getting a seat at the Penguin dinner, booking a room at the conference
preferred accommodation venues, and receiving a conference bag full of
goodies!) We do have a hard upper limit on numbers - so don't leave it
any longer!
Register while you can :-) at http://lca2004.linux.org.au/register/
Your friendly Linux.Conf.Au 2004 Organising Team...