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[lca-announce] More opportunities for Linux.Conf.Au attendees!

            L i n u x . C o n f . A u   2 0 0 4   U p d a t e
                                                       December 1, 2003
_Six_ Weeks To Go!  Yikes!
What's been happening in the past month for Linux.Conf.Au?
An **awful** lot!  A few of the new things include:
o GNOME.conf.au - One of the two major desktop environments in the
free software world has announced its own miniconf for LCA2004.
The infectious enthusiasm of Jeff Waugh has organised speakers such
as hp, jamesh, keithp, gman and msevior to talk on the two days
preceding the main conference.  Join the fun and come to this
miniconf - and see first hand jdub's NO PANTS policy.
See http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/ for more details.

o Hackfest - Here's your chance to prove you've got what it takes.
We're going to be holding a programming contest - who can write
the best AI bot to play Tetrinet, a multi-player Tetris game.
Chris Yeoh has won one of these sorts of contests before (LokiHack),
and this time he's organising it for us.  What's even better is that
you can start getting involved today - a beta version of the client
library to interface to the tetrinet server is available, so you can
start writing code NOW! (and help us debug that library :)

See http://lca2004.linux.org.au/hackfest.cgi to find out how you can get

o Dymocks - Starting right now, Dymocks in Adelaide are offering a
20% discount on all books purchased between now and the end of
conference for Linux.Conf.Au main conference attendees!  There
are several options for payment and delivery, including order
and pay now, and pick-up at the conference.

So why not visit http://lca2004.linux.org.au/dymocks.cgi , take
advantage of the discount, buy a book authored by one of our
speakers and get them to autograph it for you at the conference!

o Australian Developer Magazine

Our new media sponsor, Australian Developer, is helping to promote
Linux, open-source and Linux.Conf.Au to the wider Australian
developer community.  Their involvement is at several levels, but
right now you can see some nice promotion in the December of
Australian Developer magazine, available at your local newsagent.

Remember, it's only 6 weeks today that the miniconfs start...
(and there's Christmas in there as well)

So don't delay any more - registrations have already exceeded
expectations, and after some rough back-of-envelope calculations,
it appears the conference might just sell out prior to January -
so hop onto your nearest web browser, navigate to
http://lca2004.linux.org.au/register/ and secure your spot today!

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to your local LUG!

Michael Davies               Linux.Conf.Au Adelaide Jan 12-17 2004
michael at msdavies dot net  Australia's Premier Linux Conference