[Grants] Linux Australia Grant Request - Unit testing & UX improvements for CiviCRM Elections Extension

Joshua Gowans joshuagowans at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 22:04:08 AEST 2018

Grants request team,

I'm writing on behalf of the CiviCRM Core Team in support of the Unit
Testing & UX Improvement efforts of Agileware. We believe the timing for
this is right and that the proposed solution provided by Agileware is solid.
Likewise, we view Agileware as very strong partner with strong CiviCRM
skillsts. We believe they are uniquely capable of taking on such an

The CiviCRM Core Team just completed a 2 day governance summit with various
partners from around the world, Agileware included. Relevant results

   1. Given the current political environment around the world, we view
   voting/election capability in CiviCRM as an opportunity and a potentially
   significant improvement.
   2. CiviCRM itself is shifting to an elected, governing body, and could
   therefore benefit from such capability.
   3. CiviCRM as an open source software application has over 11,000 users
   worldwide and is seeing growth in its adoption by political

Thank you for your consideration and for the work you do at Linux Australia.



Josh Gowans
Project Manager
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