[Computerbank] Knoppix 3.1 and Gnuwin

Cloud wavicle63 at optusnet.com.au
Fri Feb 21 09:56:01 UTC 2003

I forgot to mention that I have an image of the latest Knoppix,from a
generous friend with cable :), if computerbank does not already have
this, I'll bring it in.  

It does seem to have advantages over the last one I received from
computerbank.  Most important (for me) it runs gnome properly and seems
to have working usb hotplug.

I also have a copy of the very handy GNUwin cd - which I am happy to
share as is, but the image has faults .. Mozilla and a couple of other
programs will not unpack and the documentation is missing..  does anyone
have a better copy?

Cloud <wavicle63 at optusnet.com.au>

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