[cai-sa] Re: [Computerbank] East Timor

Kylie Davies kylied at projectx.com.au
Wed Nov 20 12:58:02 UTC 2002

Romana Challans wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:31 pm, Kylie Davies shared:
>>The ANZ / ET effort is something I am coordinating...so direct those
>>queries to me rather then Penni - it is the earlier we did in ET that
>>Penni is aware about.

This project in ET is largely coordinated between one single person, ANZ 
and myself. There are confidentiality issues with respect to disclosure 
of fine details and the person coordinating at the ET end has not been 
asked if it is okay for me to release their name on the list. The 
computers are being donated by ANZ (the puters are already in ET and 
have been allocated), vis a vis coordination/liaison through CAI-Vic.

Yes I wish I had more information about where the first lot of puters 
are in ET and indeed if there was any success with linux or were the 
boxes wiped in favor of putting windows on them? This I dont know and am 
aking for Penni to report on /follow up.

I do know that the contact I have with respect to ET has been (or will 
be) given the kit (desktop penguin, training docs, tech docs etc) when 
ANZ are ready to decommission the systems. This has happened for the 
1000 odd systems that have already been sent out in the South Pacific 
using different contacts.

Hope this clears things up then,


Kylie Davies
Victorian Branch Co-ordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
Victorian State Branch
Tel: (03) 9600 9161
Email: kylied at projectx.com.au

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