[Computerbank] Documentation processes and documents at Computerbanks / Computer Angels
Kylie Davies
mailkylie at optushome.com.au
Tue Nov 5 18:24:02 UTC 2002
Hey all,
Okay it seems from talking to people on IRC, phone, email and whatever other
means you would care to mention (maybe telepathy)...
I want to bring up the subject of documentation....
Obviously much is being written, and a lot of it - is taking place as
distinct parallel developments - when perhaps we should be looking at this a
little more holistically.
So what documents do we all have? What do they do? How do they help you?
I am trying to compile a list of documents (draft, final, primitive -
whatever) that everyone has...no matter where you are....
When i say documents -I mean things like - technical guides, training
materials, information sheets, forms for both internal use / external use,
process information, policy documents, how tos, and whatever else.
All documents...
At Cai-vic we are trying to make the documentation process a little more
dynamic... and all though most of our work is on our Intranet - we hope to
release it when a suitable web / info management strategy emerges.
But first, let us get the document information out there .... :)
Okay - now I am going to begin with documents I am currently working on:
commandline_basics_workshop_one (basic commands, man, info, help, some
history) - draft release available
commandline_basics_workshop_three (basic commands for network info and
network communication)
computerbank_overview_document (definitive overview of CAI) -> still not
complete - needs input from other states - Version 1 available
gnu_volunteers_guide (definitive volunteer guide) - Version 1 available
guide_for_state_coords -> have not started this yet
privacy_policy_revision -> have not started this yet
Docs WFD are working on at CAI-Vic - eg -these are not finished
CB_FAQ_project - the big Computerbank definitive FAQ....more on this later
Scanners_list - Scanners that work and we will support (also meet low income
budget) - at review stage - needs to go to tech coorinator for final vetting
- Draft release available
Printers_list - Printers that work and we will support (also meet low income
budget) -> currently being updated -Version 1 available. Update available at
end of week.
Where_is_it - The A-Z guide of where everything is at CAI-VIC - not complete
- work in progress - A very Vic specific document
I/O cards that are supported under linux - and driver / module information
(for cards in common use at cai-vic) - not complete - work in progress
An Abbrevieated_X-Chat_USers_Guide - not complete - work in progress
Linux_Computerbank_games_review - not complete - work in progress
Knowledge_Tree - only available Internally - pictures of volunteers and list
of skillsets / area of knowledge + lists of hats worn - not complete - work
in progress
And probably others...
Thats a start...tomorrow I will post a list of documents used internally at
CAI-Vic and Con will post the list of documents that are used on the CAI-Vic
Can I have other Computerbanks / Computer Angels or whoever right freed
documentation - let us know what you have and what it does?? I know David B
recently posted news about an Abiword training document (and it is excellent
and we can use it)...and has many others - but what???
Maybe we could share this stuff around a little more and make it
known...communicate... :)
I am using the BIG Computerbank list to get this information out to as many
people as i think talking / sharing documentation is something that can
benefit us all.
Could people please forward this message to relevant folk if they are not on
the BIG computerbank mailing list. Thanks.
...More on this topic later.
Another thing people may not be aware - there is a cbdocumentation list and
project page at Sourceforge (largely its vic based with some interstate
presence)...Anyway if anyone wants to join...let me know so I can add you to
it. The Sourceforge project page is kinda dead and old...but nonetheless
exists at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cbdoc/
Kylie Davies
Victorian State Coordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
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