[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 14:45:01 UTC 2002


> > Are you telling me that talking to the local, state convenor who
> > happens to also be on the national committee doesn't get back to
> > ComputerBank?
> I don't see why it should be Romana's job to be forwarding your bug
> reports to Jaymz.

Perhaps this might be summed up as:

1) I've been talking to Romana
 - about various things

2) You say I should be talking to Jaymz
 - about installer matters (and perhaps more)

It's really quite easy; I've not implied a thing about people's jobs or

> Regardless of what would be useful, it's still a lot of work for
> people to adapt. 

I take it that you don't accept useful work; is my previous sentence
dripping with enough sarcasm? I may be able to do better.

> Computerbank also has one Debian package monkey who
> has maintained Apache and virtually the entirety of KDE in Debian, so
> it's quite easy for things to get done[1].

Your footnote is [1] tomorrow.

Maybe we could merge some ComputerBank documents into a fully fledged

> Yes, but I'm just saying that if you want to push it, then you're
> probably not helping much ...

Do I want to push it?

> pretty unequivocal, and there's no real room for antagonism. If bug
> reports never get forwarded upstream, they can never be fixed, it's as
> simple as that.

If people insist on thinking that I'm submitting a show-stopping bug
report on some or all of the ComputerBank installer (no matter what it
is called), then obviously your course of action is just and valid.

But I've already said it works, but in my opinion I don't like it. Now
rather than sit down and type a whole 50 page report of why I don't
particularly like it I've decided to go and make a Debian PGI installer
that I happen to like.

For me.

And only me.

Oh, and I happen to have offered to give it away to ComputerBank
following the lead of the open source community. Perhaps I should have
shut up and just rolled it out for myself.



Take my work if you wish, take the sweat from my brow
 But leave it if you wish, I don't care.

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