[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 14:31:01 UTC 2002


> For Microbits, I'm sure it lacks. For Trinity, it lacks. For
> Computerbank, it fits like a glove, because it was developed FOR
> Computerbank. 

There's a saying, "I used to keep up with the rat race, but then they
invented faster rats". Maybe there might be better gloves.

> Julien's point (and mine!) was that if your reports
> never make it here, they can *never* *get* *fixed*.

Yes, perhaps; I can understand your point of view.

> It's quite easy to
> email Jaymz or cbtechnical with a bug report/feature request about
> Desktop Penguin, and the fact you haven't done so indicates a bias
> towards NIH that means it's probably not very well thought-out.

Well, how about a graphical installer? Something that a person who could
install Windows 98 could use? The click and point stuff.

I forgot...

You've already disregarded that idea.


Microbits Linux Technician

Ph: +61 8 8362 9220

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