[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 14:27:01 UTC 2002


> Hint: Sometimes you want to back your points up.

I've lost the thread on this one a little; I think that I did answer
this in a previous install.

> Meaning that it probably doesn't get back to Jaymz, the upstream
> developer. Stuff doesn't get fixed if you don't report it.

Are you telling me that talking to the local, state convenor who happens
to also be on the national committee doesn't get back to ComputerBank?

> It's not that bad; I'm sure people can decipher it. CustomChuckie was
> a lot worse than Desktop Penguin; DP cleaned up a lot of the ^_^s, bad
> jokes, et al. Which one are you using?


> Computerbank has documented procedures for Desktop Penguin, and
> *everyone* who does installs is used to DP, because that's what they
> do for a lot of their time. Converting to PGI would mean time expended
> getting used to the new system.

It all depends really; there's no particular reason why my setting up of
PGI for ComputerBank needs to be adopted for ComputerBank but there are
steps that would be useful regardless of PGI.

(eg, how to setup debian mirrors painlessly and so forth)

> And you're not helping your case by explaining.

Someone along the line seems to have misunderstood me when I basically
said I would like to write PGI installer against a current ComputerBank
distribution. I distinctly remember saying that I really don't
particularly mind if it's used or if it's not used.

I have my own opinions about many things and I make my voice heard but
generally in person. Mailing lists seem to invite antagonism and
misunderstanding and IRC can be the same way as well.

Hence why I prefer to deal with real people in real life.

Microbits Linux Technician

Ph: +61 8 8362 9220

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