[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 07:15:01 UTC 2002


> > > I don't see why a GUI is necessary.
> >
> > No, you don't.
> -- Neither do I, especially considering that many of the video cards
> don't work right in vesa mode, they might not fail, but they don't
> work.

We have our installer, by default:

 * attempting to start X; if fail
 * attempting to go framebuffer; if fail
 * attempting to run 'pure console'; if fail
 * you've got a problem that no installer will fix

You can shift the first three points around.

> -- But does it force you if X appears to start succsessfully?

No, see above.

It's up to the makers of the PGI install what order it goes in.

For example, you and Daniel and your friends might burn a build that
goes to text mode only. Because it's easy for you. I may burn a build
that goes into X if it can so that my computer illiterate, GUI happy
friends can help build systems.

> -- I'll phrase that "Why have WE not heard in Melbourne where it's
> developed?" we're only an e-mail or IRC msg away.

Because I'm not in Melbourne, I don't care for politics, I'm not
attempting to replace the installer which you have-despite the fact that
I think it's somewhat lacking (but that's a personal opinion, and it
does work).

I'm offering an alternative.

As I said I my original post, Computerbank can do what it wants with it.


Microbits Linux Technician

Ph: +61 8 8362 9220

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