[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 07:07:02 UTC 2002


> > No, you don't.
> Thanks for your exhaustive explanation.

No problems.

> Where did you send them to?

I tend to talk to people in person rather than on mailing lists if I
happen to be finding out what needs to be done. Romana and I are friends
and I throw hardware at her as much as I can.

Actually, sometimes I would like to drop a computer *on* her but that's
another story :-)

> I'm aware how flexible it is, but I'm just not seeing why Computerbank
> should go through all the work of switching to something that provides
> no real benefit I can see. *shrug*.

Oh, you like the current installer with its dreadful English, bad humour
and lack of documentation? And just who said that Computerbank would do
the work...

Unless I happen to be Computerbank.

I may be an adept political shark, but I'm not quite THAT good ;-P

> Not to demean your work or anything, I just really don't see why.

As I said, I can see you don't see why :-)

Microbits Linux Technician

Ph: +61 8 8362 9220

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