[Computerbank] Volunteer Induction Day and Hardware Day at Computerbank Victoria Saturday 10th August

Kylie Davies kylied at projectx.com.au
Tue Aug 6 12:46:10 UTC 2002

Hi all Victorians,

As the list is now up and running we can finally let all and sundry know 
that Computerbank Victoria will be running a volunteer induction day for 
new volunteeers (or those that have not received official induction) 
starting at 11am on Saturday August 10th. Induction will run for 
approximately one hour until 12noon.

At 12noon we will be running a special Hardware day - a day where we 
classify hardware, test hardware and put hardware together! This will 
run unitl 5-6pm.

Lunch will be provided.

So we can cater for folk please RSVP to me by Friday August 9th.Please 
indicate if you plan on coming to the induction session or just to the 
Hardware Day.

All of this fun with computers and hardware will take place at 92 
Rosslyn Street West Melbourne.

Hope to see lots of new faces there!

Kind Regards,

Kylie Davies
Victorian Branch Co-ordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
Victorian State Branch
Tel: (03) 9600 9161
Email: kylied at projectx.com.au

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