[Computerbank] boosting other capital cities

Craige McWhirter craige at mcwhirter.com.au
Tue Dec 18 00:01:05 UTC 2001

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 07:43, Bruce McCubbery wrote:

> Thanks for this info that puts those of us outside Sydney more into the
> picture, what are you doing about the possibility of country branches in
> NSW and do you see the A.C.T. as better served by being its own state-like
> branch or working through Sydney?

IMHO this would depend on numbers. If they only have a small number of
initial volunteers it would make sense for them to initially feed off
our resources. As for country branches in general, we've had a number of
approaches (about 4) and I believe the executive (of which I am not a
part) welcome country branches.




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