[Chlug] [Stop Wrinkles Now] Cosmetic-Industry Secret Revealed
New Year Wrinkle formula
brotherliness at admirefade.club
Tue Jan 7 05:10:56 AEDT 2020
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Donald Trump on Wednesday sniped at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, one of the world leaders caught sniping at the U.S. president during a reception at Buckingham Palace. 'He's two-faced,' he said of Trudeau, complaining that Canada is delinquent in spending 2 per cent of its GDP on defensesomething members of the alliance all pledge to do. And then in a hot-mic moment of his own later in the afternoon, Trump was overheard saying after speaking to Italy's prime minister: 'That was funny when I said that guy was two-faced.' The remark was heard by a radio reporter who still had access to sound from the room after journalists were told to leave. Trump canceled his final press conference at the NATO summit on Wednesday after Trudeau and two other world leaders - Emmanuel Macron of France and Boris Johnson of Britain - were caught on their own hot mic roasting him, with Princess Anne, the Queen's daughter, nodding along..
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