[Chlug] SOS Kosovo

Fatan Kerqagu kosovostudent at gmail.com
Fri May 30 14:19:29 UTC 2008

Dear ladies and gentlemen please allow me to introduce myself. My name is 
Fatan Kercagu and I am at first year of my studies at the Economic Faculty 
here at Prishtina University. I am unable to continue my studies because of 
financial reasons therefore I would ask you hereby for your possible 
financial assistance as I am unable to continue studies on my own. Your 
assistance can be as little as possible but to me it will be big because it 
would enable me to create a healthy family future, your assistance would 
open doors to me and make me become an economist so that I could also help 
somebody else tomorrow just as you helped me. I thank you for your time and 
your help.
You can send me this money easier through Western Union or through Money 
Fatan Kercagu
Rahovec, Kosovo
Email:kosovostudent at gmail.com
Tel:+37744 119934

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