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Hi Ed and team,
Further to the knoppix install guide I posted weeks ago...here is
an update. :)
We (WFD participant) discovered that openoffice was the german
english version, so we have to remove it and replace it with the
english only version. We have added a few more packages to our
list of packages to be removed and packages to be added.
Ed is going to turn some of this into a script... so things can
become somewhat automated until the new distro (based on this
work) gets rolled out. WTG Ed!
Firstly you should change the sources lists (put cbv ones in and
external ones) and run apt get update.
The following is the list of packages you can apt-get remove
--purge from the knoppix build.
-> Note: There are issues with nessus and with apache. The nessus
ones you (as in Ed) know about...but the apache ones are many. I
have not made a note about these. Other packages will be removed
despite the errors.
For those new to Debian and APT... don't worry too much about the
packages that cause issues (you kind of have to tweak it to work).
apt-get remove --purge xbattle larswm fluxbox zile xawtv* alevt*
jpilot xfce nxclient* k3b* kmail mutt slrn dillo wavemon airsnort
telnet ettercap* ethereal* qtparted wmaker wmakerconf samba xskat
isdnutils* apache* kdat rosegarden joe nedit kdevelop3*
kdevelop3-data kdevelop3-plugins configure-xawtv* xaos emacs*
kompare xfig python-tk chromium chromium-data enigma enigma-data
gnuchess imaze falconseye falconseye-data bochs* xtel netris
xawtv-plugins ding squid cdbackup cdrdao cdrecord mondo cvs
amanda* nessus* kpilot csh sash linneighborhood gnomemeeting
kbackup radio
-> Please note that twm has been left in this time (seems twm is
required for kxconfig to work from a konsole, otherwise you seem
to be limited to the knoppix root shell). isdnutils might cause
issues too (although it didn't in my test). By removing these
packages We get back around 220MB.
Then we move on to installing stuff...
apt-get install openoffice.org-l10n-en
openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-us
prelink tuxpaint ktouch msttcorefonts flashplugin-nonfree tuxtype
gcompris gcompris-data gcompris-sound-en synaptic kscreensaver
xscreensaver ksirtet kpoker
-> Please note that msttcorefonts and flash player require access
to offsite ftp servers. APT handles this automatically. Several
packages will be upgraded and removed during this process too.
Many questions are asked in relation to msttfonts and flash (dont
keep the flash binary). By adding packages we add around 50MB to
the system.
If dpkg times out ... you might need to do a --fix-missing
It does happen...I've seen it.
The desktop requires removal of most of the icons. Leave only the
Trash can. Device links (floppy/cdrom) need to be recreated. I
like to stick a house (home directory/folder) icon on the
desktop. There is also the removal of buttons (ie knoppix menu,
konqueror) from the panel. There is also menu editing.
-> Note to Ed. I imagine you can copy the menu from /home/user on
the prototype machine on the main table into /home/user of all
systems. I have tried to create a simpler menu by removing lots
of stuff, adding labels and changing things around.
I perform further customisation via the KDE control centre...this
work is also on prototype.. I have no idea if this can also be
copied across? No idea where the file(s) are kept. In short..I
make it a double click, windows themed system. I think this
makes the system more familiar for users.
Note: You can also get more space back by cleaning out locales. I
have no idea how to do this. ?
Anyway ...hope it goes well and for those trying this at home...I
hope I haven't made any spelling errors in the package list (I
checked it). ;)
Kylie Davies
Victorian Branch Coordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
cai-vic mailing list
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