[Aslug] informal meeting at Annie's Place

Paul Wise pabs3 at bonedaddy.net
Mon Jan 7 06:26:34 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I've been waiting for a couple of months for an ASLUG meeting,
unfortunately the last two have been cancelled and I'm leaving town for
a while soon.

Another Debian developer will be in town for a few days over this coming
weekend. He and I are meeting at Annie's Place at 7pm on Friday 11th
January for a keysigning, drink, food and chat about Debian, free
software and whatever else comes up. Anyone who wants to join us is
welcome. I'll be wearing a grey and blue debconf7 tshirt, or you can
find my debconf7 mugshot on gallery.debconf.org.

Annie's Place is 4 Traegeter Ave. Traegeter is on the left if you are
going south away from town on the main road towards the gap.


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