[Announce] Outreachy applications are now welcomed from women worldwide

Linux Australia President president at linux.org.au
Mon Mar 13 17:30:54 AEDT 2017

Hi everyone,

On behalf of the Outreachy team at the GNOME Foundation, I'd like to let
you know that applications to participate in Outreachy are now welcomed
from women worldwide - including Australia.



Applications are now open for Outreachy, an internship program for people traditionally underrepresented in tech. Outreachy offers remote, three-month internships with a $5,500 stipend and a $500 conference travel stipend. These internships are open world-wide to all women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people. Additionally, they are open in the U.S, to all Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander people.


Interns work remotely with experienced mentors in free and open source software projects. The internships are often focused on programming tasks, but some projects offer internships in user experience design, graphic design, documentation, web development, marketing, translation, and more.

The Outreachy internships run from May 30 to August 30.  More details and eligibility criteria can be found here:


Applying to Outreachy is a little different than other internship programs. During the application period (February 16 to March 30), potential interns are expected to make contact with one or more of the open source project mentors,  and make a contribution to the project. Outreachy coordinators have found that the strongest applicants contact mentors early, ask a lot of questions, and continually submit small contributions throughout the application period.

One of the Outreachy coordinators (Sarah Sharp) can give a virtual introductory talk with interested organizations or universities in the coming weeks. You can see her availability and schedule a meeting here:


Please let me know if you have any questions about the program. The Outreachy coordinators (Marina, Karen, Sarah, Cindy, and Tony) can all be reached at outreachy-admins at gnome.org

I hope you'll help us spread the word about the Outreachy internships!

p.s. Please note that Google Summer of Code is also accepting applications for their internships: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/

Kathy Reid
Linux Australia

0418 130 636

president at linux.org.au

Linux Australia Inc
GPO Box 4788
Sydney NSW 2001

ABN 56 987 117 479 

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