[Announce] Minutes of Linux Australia Annual General Meeting 12th January 2015

Linux Australia Secretary secretary at linux.org.au
Sat Jan 31 18:30:46 AEDT 2015

  Minutes of Linux Australia
  Annual General Meeting 2015

University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, 12th January 2015, 1739hrs  - 1901hrs,  Room OGGB4

Meeting opened at 1739hrs NZST by Mr JOSHUA HESKETH

Minutes were taken by Ms KATHY REID

    1. President’s welcome
    MR JOSHUA HESKETH, President

JOSHUA HESKETH invited participants to review the Minutes and Office 
Bearers’ Reports

JOSHUA HESKETH invited participants to register on the registration sheets

JOSHUA HESKETH thanked participants for attending the AGM.

Note: Reports were located at presenting lectern of the room

    2. MOTION by Mr JOSHUA HESKETH that the minutes of the Annual
    General Meeting 2014 of Linux Australia be accepted as complete and

          Refer: http://linux.org.au/meeting/2014-01-08


CARRIED with seven abstentions

    3. To receive the REPORTS of activities of the preceding year from


    MR JOSHUA HESKETH - President


    MR FRANÇOIS MARIER - Treasurer
    Includes presentation of the Auditor’s Report



Please refer to reports


    President’s report



    Presentation of the President’s Report - Mr JOSHUA HESKETH

Mr HESKETH noted that there was significant growth in events that ran 
locally, with Linux Australia running 8 events in total. He went on to 
identify that Linux Australia had faced some financial perils in 2014, 
including making a small loss, largely due to LCA2014 not meeting sales 
expectations. Mr HESKETH referred community members to the broader 
discussion around this issue which was posted to the linux-aus list. Mr 
HESKETH noted that Treasurer, MR FRANÇOIS MARIER had reduced risks and 
overheads, thus minimising the overall financial loss.


Mr HESKETH noted that the Council and Community can be very proud of the 
submission made to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on 
the Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Mr HESKETH noted his 
special thanks to Mr JOSH STEWART (Ordinary Council Member, Linux 
Australia) and to Mr LEV LAFAYETTE (President, Linux Users’ Victoria) 
for their exemplary efforts here.

Mr HESKETH noted that although it has been a somewhat turbulent year for 
Linux Australia, he was very happy with how Linux Australia has run. He 
indicated that the organisation made sure to operate within their 
values, and that budgetary choices reflected this.

Mr HESKETH referred the community to the SubCommittee page for further 
information on subcommittee activities, and noted that the 
non-conference SubCommittees were as per 2013.  Mr HESKETH thanked 
SubCommittees for all their hard work during the year.

Mr HESKETH noted the new Subcommittee policy and structure, and thanked 
Christopher Neugebauer in particular for all his hard work. Mr HESKETH 
explained that the new policy delivers increased oversight. However, 
this has been difficult to implement practically, and aligning events to 
the new Subcommittee policy remains a challenge for Council 2015. Mr 
HESKETH invited attendees to read the Subcommittee Policy.


Mr HESKETH noted that Linux Australia had supported 4 grants this year. 
He went on to note that the budget for Linux Australia ran from October 
to September, while Council runs from January to January.

Mr HESKETH explained that 2014 took linux.conf.au bids for the event two 
years out and that results of this process will be announced during 

Mr HESKETH noted the new mailing list for policies and invited 
participants to join the policies mailing list if desired.

SEE: http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/policies

Mr HESKETH noted that Linux Australia had kept members informed through 
usual channels, including the Announce and Linux-Aus mailing lists, and 
had increased the use of Twitter, and that the organisation’s key 
outreach piece this year was the TPP submission.

Mr HESKETH covered financials briefly, and noted that the Council had 
not hindered its operations as a result of the loss. He further noted 
that Council had planned for a long time to hold sufficient cash reserve 
to allow for the conduct of an entire linux.conf.au based on 
registration income alone. Mr HESKETH noted the foresight of previous 
Councils for Linux Australia currently being in this fortunate financial 

Mr HESKETH read an excerpt from Linux Australia’s TPP submission to 
summarise the organisation’s position;

“Linux Australia and Linux Users of Victoria strongly urges that the TPP 
and future trade agreements be negotiated in an open and transparent 
manner. Leaked chapters of the TPP have raised serious concerns that 
threaten Australian growth and innovation, but that have been held 
behind closed doors with limited consultation”

Mr HESKETH noted that the current membership platform is frail, and that 
Linux Australia will be working to enhance it.

Mr HESKETH noted that Linux Australia had a number of challenges facing 
the organisation in the near future. The remit of the organisation has 
changed. LA is a community - and Mr HESKETH noted that it is the members 
that do the hard work of the organisation. He went on to note that Linux 
and open source are generally well accepted as technologies, but the 
underpinning freedoms around these technologies are less known. He 
questioned how Linux Australia’s values align with the popularity of web 
and mobile platforms, and how we as a community felt about companies 
collecting and retaining large amounts of data about us. Mr HESKETH 
underscore the importance of these questions, and encouraged members to 
debate these issues. He questioned how Linux Australia ensures these 
values are upheld in industry, and challenged members to be more 
involved in these issues. He reinforced that the organisation only 
achieves what its members do - and that it is through the hard work of 
organisers, volunteers and subcommittee members that outcomes are 
achieved.  Mr HESKETH called on members to be involved in these things 
and strongly encouraged members to put in conference bids, or to 
volunteer in areas where they feel passionate.

Mr HESKETH concluded by stating that Linux Australia has some big 
questions ahead, and they will not be easy to answer. These issues need 
to be addressed collectively.

Mr HESKETH invited questions from the floor.

          Ms DONNA BENJAMIN - You’ve raised the challenge of big and
          unanswered questions and invited members to contribute to
          those questions. How should we do that?

Mr HESKETH responded by inviting attendees to the Birds of a Feather 
(BoF) session at 12.20 lunchtime on Thursday for discussions around LA’s 

Mr HESKETH invited Mr FRANÇOIS MARIER to the floor to present the 
Treasurer’s report

    Presentation of the Treasurer’s Report - Mr FRANÇOIS MARIER

Mr MARIER outlined that the most significant issue that happened with 
Linux Australia accounts this year was the linux.conf.au 2014 loss. This 
was identified halfway through the year, and the budget was scaled back 
to accommodate the loss. Overall, Linux Australia ended up with a loss 
of $AUD 10k as a whole, which is not bad considering that linux.conf.au 
lost $AUD 39k overall.  Mr MARIER outlined that budget expenses and 
costs were cut that would have a minimal impact on operations  - such as 
reducing the grants budget.

Mr MARIER explained that one of the things that Linux Australia used to 
do with conferences was not charge at all for the provision of services 
such as administration, bank accounts, insurance etc. Therefore, if a 
conference broke even, it represented a loss to Linux Australia because 
the conference consumed resources from Linux Australia centrally. 
Therefore, a rate of $AUD 11 per person, or 2% of sales, is now expected 
to be budgeted in for conferences and the conference should break event 
at this amount.

Mr MARIER reported that existing financial relationships remain 
generally unchanged.  A new structure is in place for bank accounts in 
New Zealand to better facilitate New Zealand based activities.

Mr MARIER talked through the Budget and Revised Budget.

He first noted that the budget covered the financial year October 1 
2013, to September 30, 2014.  He went on to note that conferences had 
returned a large profit, including DrupalSouth Wellington and WordCamp 
Sydney. He further noted that some conferences fell across two financial 
years however their income is only listed against the budget year they 
operated in. The attached Profit and Loss statements were, however, 
limited to just the financial year.

Mr MARIER talked through the Revised Budget and noted the smaller 
donations and grants budget, with minimal reductions in other line 
items. He summarised by articulating that Linux Australia plans to 
return to profit in 2015, that is, to return to the financial position 
prior to 2014.

Mr MARIER presented recommendations for future Treasurers such as 
cutting some unnecessary expenses and tidying up some accounts.

Mr MARIER thanked all conference Treasurers for their hard work in 
reconciling expenses and particularly noted Mr RUSSELL STUART - 
Treasurer of Pycon AU for his attention to detail and conscientiousness. 
Mr MARIER also noted the assistance of Mr JOSHUA HESKETH.

Mr MARIER invited questions from the floor.

Ms ANITA KUNO - Two conference did spectacularly well in the report - 
Pycon AU and DrupalSouth Wellington. How many people came from outside 
Australia and New Zealand and from within Australia and New Zealand?

Mr CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER, Chair of Pycon AU, responded that of the 380 
attendees of Pycon AU approximately 5-10% were from outside Australia.

Ms DONNA BENJAMIN, Chair of Drupal South, responded that of the around 
200 attendees and volunteers, many Australians went to New Zealand and a 
small percentage from the rest of the world attended. She further noted 
that these were primarily regional events, but do attract international 

Mr CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER further noted that Pycon AU attracts fewer 
attendees as there is also a Pycon NZ event.

Ms ANITA KUNO - I experienced a great deal of difficulty paying for the 
conference, as my employer issues American Express (AMEX), and the only 
way I had to pay for the conference was by AMEX. Is there any 
acknowledgement of payment selection or options to make things easier 
for international attendees to pay for linux.conf.au?

Mr MARIER acknowledged the difficulty Anita faced and noted that 
American Express is difficult to facilitate. He further noted that AMEX 
has higher fees. François indicated that conferences should have Amex. 
Mr HESKETH clarified, and noted that Linux Australia can do AMEX for AUD 
dollars, but not yet for AMEX for NZD dollars, as this was not arranged 
in time, but that we will arrange this in the future. Ms KUNO encouraged 
Linux Australia to make it easier for international delegates to pay for 
linux.conf.au. Mr TIM SERONG noted that higher fees represents a problem 
as the higher fees are transferred to the card holder. Mr MARIER noted 
that the higher fees were not significant problem for Linux Australia.

          Mr MICHAEL CORDOVER - are the conference returns for 2015
          based on the $11 per person rate?

Mr MARIER responded that the numbers won’t change very much as the 
events have already occurred. For events in the future, they are 
estimates. With estimates we need to be careful, as we don’t want to put 
too much pressure on organisers to return a profit. For Pycon, it will 
be the same city run by the same people, so the estimate is likely to be 
accurate, but Drupal South for instance will be in a different city so 
returns are likely to vary more.

Mr HESKETH added that the returns are “Pre” the $11 conference amount, 
noting that he wanted conference organisers to consider conference 
purchases versus how the profits could be used to benefit the whole 
Linux Australia.

          DONNA BENJAMIN - Proffered a suggestion for future reporting
          for conferences, that it would be great to have a single sheet
          that had all the expenses and income for the conference, as
          well as the number of attendees. This would help articulate
          and compare the events - as the number of attendees is not
          reported in the financials. She concluded that you can then
          get a sense of the margin the events are returning. She
          further noted the historical relationship between
          linux.conf.au and Linux Australia, where there had been an
          intention to spend conference surplus and return nothing to
          Linux AUstralia. She noted the greater maturity now seen in
          this relationship, and that conferences are paying Linux
          Australia for a service. She suggested that the $11 per head
          cost be increased to $15 per head.

Mr HESKETH responded by underlining that a 5 day event is different to a 
2 day event. Regarding the relationship between Linux Australia and 
linux.conf.au he made the point that both are all part of the same 
broader community that upholds or values of open communit and open 
technology and that drawing a distinction is really not useful.

          Mr TOMAS MILJENOVIC: Have all the transaction occurred for
          WordCamp Sydney?

Mr HESKETH noted that the conference had not closed its books yet, and 
he expected the large profit reported to decline slightly.

Mr HESKETH invited Ms KATHY REID to the floor to deliver the Secretary’s 

NOTE: Minutes at this stage kindly taken by Ms DONNA BENJAMIN

Presentation of the Secretary’s report - Ms KATHY REID

Ms REID thanked attendees and the Council and noted that they were a 
very dedicated and professional team.

She went on to note that 2014 was a successful year for Council. 
Positive engagement with the community.  She noted that Linux Australia 
had run very smoothly, and noted that the Council had reached quorum at 
all meetings in the past two years - a sign of a healthy organisation.

Ms REID further noted this would be her last term as Secretary due to 
her role in linux.conf.au 2016.

She noted that the membership system, MemberDB had reached end of life 
and needed to be replaced. She noted that at 29 November 2014 membership 
stood at 3207, representing a 4% increase on 2013.

Ms REID noted that Twitter had been a useful tool for engaging with the 
community, and while it was not an open source platform, had been a 
useful channel for member communication. She walked through social media 
engagement to demonstrate the increased. Ms REID further noted that the 
newsletter initiative failed to gain traction, and that this was 
something next year’s Council may wish to look at.

Ms REID noted that linux.org.au is Linux Australia’s key digital 
property, with 4500 page views per month, and that the Jobs page is very 
popular, and that this may be worth focussing on in the future.

Ms REID noted that organisational correspondence included support 
requests, and enquiries from other organisations, and that 1 formal 
complaint was handled.

Ms REID invited questions from the floor, but none were received.

NOTE: Minutes continued from this point by Ms KATHY REID

MOTION by Mr JOSHUA HESKETH that the Auditor’s report is clear and accurate


CARRIED with 12 abstentions

Mr MARIER and Mr HESKETH signed the Auditor’s Report

MOTION by Mr FRANÇOIS MARIER that the President’s report is correct


CARRIED with 4 abstentions

MOTION by Mr FRANÇOIS MARIER that Treasurer's report is accepted


CARRIED with 1 abstention

MOTION by Mr FRANÇOIS MARIER that Secretary’s report is accepted


CARRIED with 1 abstention

MOTION by MR DAVID BELL that the actions of Council 2014 are endorsed by 
the membership


CARRIED with 2 abstentions

    4. No agenda items were tabled with the Secretary prior to the AGM

    5. To HEAR and RESPOND to questions from the floor

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH invited questions from the floor

          Mr TIM SERONG - Given the mention of the jobs page being quite
          popular, is it sensible for people to pay for job listings?

MR JOSHUA HESKETH responded that he wasn’t sure whether it was worth the 
overhead of charging for posting, and also noted that it may be a 
disservice to members for excluding jobs they may be interested in.

          Mr PAUL WAYPER - Noted that small companies and volunteer
          organisations who may not have funds available for a jobs
          listing and the added complexities of funding arrangements may
          be a barrier to interesting jobs being posted.

          Ms ANITA KUNO - Noted that she had not seen a job board around
          the conference. The floor responded that there was a Jobs
          Birds of a Feather (BoF).

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH responded with more information around the Jobs BoF.

          Ms DONNA BENJAMIN picked up on the point made by Mr TIM SERONG
          and advised that jobs from Supporting Members of the Drupal
          Association are posted on jobs.drupal.org, and  that
          Supporting Members get a number of free postings per year. She
          identified that this was a mechanism for diversifying revenue.
          Ms BENJAMIN encouraged future Councils to strongly consider
          monetising the Jobs Page given its popularity, while keeping
          it free to look at.

The floor responded by wondering whether this initiative was making more 
than pocket money.

Ms BENJAMIN responded by advising that although there are costs with 
running it, the revenue is covering costs, and the revenue stream is 
growing over time.

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH advised that the point of diversifying revenue was 
attractive, and that this should be the point for Council to take away. 
He distinguished the point around Corporate Membership, noting that it 
was a separate matter, and that Corporate Membership is not currently 
covered in LA’s constitution. He further noted that while the Jobs page 
gets a lot of views, the number of people listing jobs on there is not 

Mr PETER CHUBB further noted that only a small number of applicants came 
through the Jobs Listing.

Ms ANITA KUNO further suggested that it would be worthwhile for Council 
to do some further research on the Jobs page and whether Linux Australia 
could grow or improve the experience -as this may represent an increase 
in future attendance.

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH noted this as a useful suggestion.

          Mr ANDREW McDONNELL - noted that the GovHack/Adelaide
          Unleashed event occurred in July, which drew participation
          from the startup/webdev scene, many of whom had not heard of
          linux.conf.au, and wondered whether Linux Australia could
          sponsor the event again.

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH advised the floor that Linux Australia sponsored the 
event in 2013, and particularly underlined the advantage of companies 
getting to know the organisation.

          Ms LANA BRINDLEY (referring to 2014 AGM Minutes) - What’s
          happening with the old videos on the mirror?

Mr JOSHUA HESKETH responded that there had been a lot of effort to track 
them down, and that some are still remaining. He noted that this is a 
large job to do. Mr STEVEN WALSH (Admin and Mirror Team) noted that the 
hard drive and videos are in different geographic locations, and they 
will eventually be reunited.

    6. DECLARATION of Election and WELCOME of incoming Council

Mr HESKETH invited Mr JONATHAN OXER to stage as Returning Officer to 
declare the results of the Council election. Mr HESKETH explained that 
the role of the Returning Officer is to scrutinise the conduct of the 
election to ensure the integrity of the process.

Mr OXER advised that there were three items to note with respect to the 


    The dates of the election, and the voting period, were changed to
    allow or the AGM to take place on Monday 12th January. The period
    had originally been designed to end Wednesday 14th January.


    It was noted that MemberDB has some duplicate records. Mr OXER
    advised that he had examined that one of the members with duplicate
    records has only cast one vote, and that he was satisfied there were
    no duplicate votes.


    It was noted that the server which hosts MemberDB, and thus the
    election, was unavailable for a period of 4 hours, 4am-8am on a
    Saturday morning, and that this did not unduly affect the voting.

Mr MICHAEL STILL questioned what percentage of the voting hours did this 

Ms KATHY REID took this as a question on notice, and this is addressed 

The voting period was 0000hrs on 18 December 2014 until 2359hrs on 11 
January 2015, AEDST. This represents 24 days 23 hours and 59 minutes, or 
approximately 600 hours. The outage thus represented 0.67%of the 
allocated voting period.


    Mr JOSHUA HESKETH, unopposed, was elected President for a third term


    Mr JOSH STEWART was elected Vice-President, after serving two terms
    as OCM


    Ms SAE RA GERMAINE, unopposed, was elected Secretary, after serving
    one term as OCM


    Mr TONY BREEDS, unopposed, was elected Treasurer


    Mr CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER was elected Ordinary Committee Member
    (OCM) for a second term


    Mr CRAIGE McWHIRTER was elected Ordinary Committee Member


    Mr JAMES ISEPPI was elected Ordinary Committee Member

Mr STILL exclaimed to Mr BREEDS that he was a ‘sucker’.

Mr OXER welcomed the new Council Members.

Mr HESKETH thanked the outgoing Council Members, and welcomed the 
incoming Council.

Mr HESKETH noted that this will likely be his last year on Council, 
after three years as President and 6 in total on Council. He encouraged 
members to consider if this is a role for them, and urged them to 
consider if they would like to be involved. He stated that there is a 
degree of complacency in Linux Australia as a community and this is 
reflected in voting patterns.

Mr HESKETH took further questions from the floor.

          Mr TOMAS MILJENOVIC asked whether Linux Australia was going to
          hold another Member Survey this year.

MR HESKETH responded that the last Survey was at the end of 2013 and was 
still very relevant, and that it is currently too soon to do another 
one. He noted that it is certainly used for decision making. He further 
noted that the survey date is published on the website in open data 
format, and encouraged members to play with the data.

          Mr TIM SERONG noted that around 70 votes were cast, and that
          this is a small percentage of the membership - around 3200
          members. What are the reasons behind this?

MR HESKETH responded that MemberDB did not currently have expiry and 
renewal functions, and that membership of Linux Australia did not 
currently expire membership. He also noted that records for signing the 
box on the linux.conf.au registration form to be a member of Linux 
Australia have not been entered manually into the database.

Mr STILL noted that the voting numbers were about the same as 2014.

Ms REID clarified that they were about 70% of 2014.

Mr STILL noted the deficiencies of the MemberDB system.

          Mr MILJENOVIC expressed that Membership Management should be a
          priority for Council, and asked whether there were any issues
          with renewal.

Mr HESKETH advised that there were some constitutional issues with 
renewal under the constitution, and agreed that once the membership 
platform was updated that Linux Australia should then invite people to 
become members who hadn’t been members previously, and request members 
to reaffirm their membership, and roll over from there.

Mr STILL suggested this action be delegated to a Subcommittee.

Ms BENJAMIN thanked Mr STILL for volunteering this action.

Mr HESKETH encouraged members to become involved, and advised Council 
would enable them.

Mr MARCO OSTINI noted that people do wish to be associated with Linux 
Australia, and that there would be more obvious signs if people did not 
want to be associated with the organisation.

MOTION by Mr CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER that the Membership thanks the 
outgoing Council Members, being


    Mr Hugh Blemings


    Mr François Marier


    Ms Kathy Reid

SECONDED by Ms Donna Benjamin

The motion was carried unanimously.

Mr HESKETH closed the meeting at 1901hrs.


Record of attendance

      Council in attendance


    Mr Joshua Hesketh


    Mr Hugh Blemings


    Mr François Marier


    Ms Kathy Reid


    Mr Christopher Neugebauer

      Apologies received by the Secretary


    Ms Sae Ra Germaine


    Mr Josh Stewart

      Linux Australia members in attendance

Mr Paul Foxworthy

Mr Michael Cordover

Mr Mark Ellem

Mr Craige McWhirter

Mr Jonathan Oxer

Mr Daniel Bryan

Ms Bianca Gibson

Mr Matthew Cengia

Mr Mike Abrahall

Mr Julian DeMarchi

Mr Paul Dwerryhouse

Mr James Iseppi

Ms Donna Benjamin

Mr Andrew Bartlett

Mr Michael ‘LT’ Ellery

Mr Nick Bannon

Mr Peter Chubb

Mr Simon Lyall

Mr Andrew Cowie

Mr Brendan O’Dea

Mr Marco Ostini

Mr Tony Breeds

Mr Matthew Franklin

Ms Lana Brindley

Mr Russell Stuart

Mr Richard Jones

Mr John Dalton

Mr Michael Davies

Mr Matthew Oliver

Mr David Tulloh

Mr Julian Goodwin

Mr Neill Cox

Mr Anthony ‘AJ’ Towns

Mr Paul Del Fante

Mr Samuel Bishop

Mr Aaron Theodore

Mr Anibal Monsalve Salazar

Mr David Bell

Mr Paul Wayper

Mr Eyal Lebedinsky

Mr Steve Walsh

Mr Brian May

Mr Clinton Roy

Mr Ryan Stuart

Mr Jan Schmidt

Mr Jeremy Visser

Ms Katie McLaughlin

Mr Michael Still

Mr Tomas Miljenovic

Mr Simon Pamment

Mr Tim Serong

Mr Peter Lawler

Mr Brett James

Mr Jonathan Woithe

Ms Lin Nah

Mr Steve Ellis

      Observers (those participants of the meeting who were not at the
      time Members, but whom may have subsequently applied for, and been
      granted membership)

Mr Gordon Condon

Mr Thomas Sprinkmeier

Mr Jose Rios

Ms Stephanie Huot

Mr Jaco (Surname not supplied)

Ms Alexandra Settle

Mr Darren Chon

Mr Anton ‘Red’ Steel

Ms Anne Jessel

Mr Jared Ring

Mr Kelven Wauchope

Ms Audrey Pulo

Ms Anita Kuno

Ms Sarah Allard

Mr Kevin Tran

Mr Jim Whittaker


Sae Ra Germaine
Linux Australia

secretary at linux.org.au

Linux Australia Inc
GPO Box 4788
Sydney NSW 2001

ABN 56 987 117 479

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