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[Announce] Open Source Forum

Hi all,

with the new year we are kicking off some more Open Source Forums! We
have a few general and a few more legal ones lined up, so make sure you
put them in your diaries and RSVP. All information will be located at
http://linux.org.au/projects under the Open Source Forums page within
the next few days.

The idea of the Open Source Forums is to have open discussion about
current topics with a range of speakers. This allows participants a
better chance of finding the middle ground amongst the hype. The first
Open Source Forum late last year was on Software Patents, and we had
lawyers, developers, industry speakers and more. The event went very
well and we are looking forward to some open discussion this year.

Topic: Linux on the Desktop
Date: 3rd March, 12:00 - 15:00
Place: UTS Sydney - Room 4.10, Level 4, Building 2, Broadway
Provided: Light lunch and refreshments
RSVP: pia at linux.org.au
	- Linux Distribution representatives - Four Linux distributions will be
represented and will have 15 minutes each to define where they are
relevant, what their differentiators are and perhaps a success story or
two to illustrate the point. Hopefully this will clarify to some extent
the Linux on the Desktop strategy for each vendor and how relevant they
see Linux on the Desktop in the short, medium and long term. The vendor
speakers will include:
		* Greg Kieser - Novell
		* Dean Samuels - Red Hat
		* James Eagleton - Sun
		* Jeff Waugh - Canonical
	- Marc Englaro - Si2 - Si2 work with many Linux distributions and
specialise in the desktop. Marc will give an overview as to how he uses
the different distributions, and how he has seen Linux on the Desktop
mature over the last few years. Is it suitable for corporate
environments? Are enough enterprise applications available? What are
some local success stories or failures? Find out!

Pia Smith

Pia Smith
Vice President
Linux Australia -- http://www.linux.org.au
linux.conf.au 2005 -- http://www.linux.conf.au

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