[Video] State of portable system

Tim Ansell mithro at mithis.com
Fri Jun 21 10:31:39 EST 2013

V1 of the system proved that you could created such a system and proved the
software could work. The biggest problem was that it was inside a custom
created box which was really hard to reproduce.

V2 moves towards using commercial "Rack Bags" which are designed for DJs.
These are more expensive then the custom created box but much easier to
reproduce. I'm using the
http://www.gatorcases.com/p/29155-54/gr-rackbag-4u from

V2 is currently stalled on the fact that I don't have a enough time and
I've been unable to pay other people to do it for me.

Please keep poking me about it and it'll eventually get done.....

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