[technest] Adelaide Tech Meet - This Wednesday - At the new HackerSpace venue

Kim Hawtin kim at hawtin.net.au
Mon Aug 25 13:28:33 EST 2014

Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please send all lightning talks so we can put up a schedule.

Adelaide Tech meet, 27th August

HackerSpace Adelaide has MOVED! New Map; http://hackadl.org/map

and hackadl.org/wiki/location

   Room Y1-72,
   Yungondi Building,
   UniSA City West,
   61-71 North Terrace,

Doors open at 6:00pm (the south side of the building);

For more details, see; http://hackerspace-adelaide.org.au

Tech Talks start 7:00 pm;

* Speaker - Your tech talk here



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