[technest] Unleashed info

Jon jon at jojati.com
Mon May 27 14:12:55 EST 2013

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Steven Pickles <thatpixguy at gmail.com>wrote:

> The competition part is really a reward for participation (aside from a
> cool experience, and what I hear will be amazing catering). Another reason
> not to list the prizes is that apps developed just to get a prize will
> generally not be as useful as prizes developed to scratch a recognised need
> (or personal itch).
i don't really agree with that, it will depend on how the judges judge...
you think they'd give prizes to un-useful apps?.

also, its called an "Open data competition".. so prizes and 'winning' are
definitely a big part of it.

i don't have a lot of time, i could maybe have got a team together to do
something, but i'm sure they'd want to know what they were working
(potentially) for...

i guess it depends if the competition is more for students/unemployed who
view it as an experience and resume builder (and who have lots of time) or
they want to get teams of professionals as well (or maybe they deliberately
did it like this so more experienced people don't enter..... which is also
fair enough).


> pix
> On 27 May 2013 12:41, Kim Hawtin <kim at hawtin.net.au> wrote:
>> On 27/05/13 12:24, Jon wrote:
>> > think they should actually list the prizes .
>> I think they will announce them on friday night when they announce the
>> competition categories.
>> perhaps part of the issue is that they don't want anyone to have head
>> start on others, because its a competition...
>> its just a shame cause thats not how free software and open source works
>> ;)
>> regards,
>> Kim
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