[technest] Fwd: Announcement/ update on Eurisko Melbourne, 2nd & 3rd November 2013

Kim Hawtin kim at hawtin.net.au
Fri May 24 10:26:53 EST 2013

From: Paul Szymkowiak <paulszym at gmail.com>
Time: 1:30 PM
To: ozhs-net, hackerspace_br., sydney-hackspa., artifactory-co., 
hackerspace-ad., egmakers, mhv-announce, discuss

Hi folks,

Apologies for the broad announcement, but I wanted to try and get this 
first "semi-official" notification out to as many folks as possible: 
sorry if you get spammed multiple times.

I've mentioned this to some of you in online or AFK discussions over the 
past year.  We're planning a 2-day event in early November here in 
Melbourne, with a focus on makers, hackers, crafters and other DIY/ DIT 
cultures and communities.  As a general reference, this is a follow on 
event for part of the team that ran Melbourne Mini Maker Faire, with a 
similar community focus, style and approach to the event.

We soft-launched the event site a month or so back, but we're now 
starting to ramp up the comms about the event and the content updates on 
the site.

Ammon, James and myself (all members of the 2012 Melbourne Mini Maker 
Faire team) are running point on the early-stage event organisation, but 
the main intent of the event is to offer community groups and 
individuals the chance to actively engage in bringing the event 
together, and to have the opportunity to share knowledge and skill on 
the DIY/ DIT projects you are passionate about.  As such, I'd love to 
see individual hacker/ makers - as well as your collective groups - 
represented, and taking advantage of the opportunity.

You can find various answers to a number of the questions you may have 
at euriskomelbourne.com (with more answers forthcoming as the site 
evolves).  The website is very much a work in progress: an iterative and 
incremental development effort, maintained as a volunteer effort, and 
balancing the immediate practical needs with longer-term ideas.  We'd 
welcome and very much appreciate any feedback and input you have on the 
website (bug reports also welcome!) or the event itself .

I'll offer a few points here that might be a helpful start:

  - 2nd & 3rd of November 2013
  - At the Artshouse Meat Market venue in North Melbourne (near Royal 
Womens hospital)
  - Run in conjunction with City of Melbourne's Knowledge Week events.
  - focus on "discovery by doing", with a preference for contributors 
who are interested in openly sharing their projects, knowledge and skill.
  - intending to support as wide a community of DIY/ DIT folks as 
possible: makers, hackers, crafters, performers, etc.
  - intending to support suitably-aligned commercial activities, such as 
"maker" product or service sales.

If you have any questions, please send them either via the website 
contact options, feel free to ask them on this thread, or (if you 
prefer) send me an email directly.

I'm hoping I'll get to catch up with/ meet as many of you as possible in 



Paul (Zee) Szymkowiak
for Eurisko/ Open Fair events

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