[TasLUG] Hobart end of year TasLUG dinner: Thursday 29 November

John Kristensen jkristen at theintraweb.net
Thu Nov 22 18:49:43 AEDT 2018

Hello All,

The end of the year is fast approaching and before everyone starts 
winding down for the holiday season there is one last opportunity for 
the Hobart TasLUG community to catch up for an end of year dinner.

   When: 6:30pm, Thursday 29 November

   Where: Amigo Mexican Restaurant (237 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart)

If you plan on coming along, then please **RSVP by Tuesday 27 November** 
so I can make the appropriate booking.

If Amigos are unable to fit us in, the backup option will be Mother 
India just down the road.

(jerrykan on IRC/Matrix)

--- --- --- ---

== Chat Channel ==
If you can't make it to meetings, then we always enjoy people dropping 
by the IRC/Matrix channel for a chat.

      IRC: #taslug (Freenode - https://freenode.net/)
   Matrix: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#taslug:matrix.org

In a attempt to combat the current spat of spam in the channels we 
currently only allow users with registered nicks to join the channel. If 
you are having problems joining, then please get in contact with me.

== Meetings ==
Hobart TasLUG will be on a break for December and January before 
meetings start up again in February.

== Talks ==
If you have a topic you would like to give a talk about, or hear more 
about from someone else, then please let me know or create GitLab issue 
so I know to follow up:


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