[Taslug] Hobart Un-meeting: March 16th - Shambles Brewery

John Kristensen jkristen at theintraweb.net
Sat Mar 11 22:42:05 AEDT 2017

Hello All,

As Scott mentioned at the last Hobart TasLUG meeting, there is no 
planned meeting for this month as he will be away at a conference and 
some of the logistics of having meetings at the new Maker Space are 
still being sorted out.

However, a few people on IRC/Matrix[1] mentioned an interesting in 
having a catch-up during the usual meeting time for a drink and a bite 
to eat at Shambles Brewery. It should be a great opportunity for 
everyone get to know a bit more about other LUGers interests, ask for 
advice, and debate the important issues like Vim vs Emacs.

When: 6:30pm, Thursday 16 March 2017

Where: Shambles Brewery (222 Elizabeth Street Hobart)

It would be good if you can let me know via email or IRC/Matrix if you 
are planning to come along. If we get more than 10 people confirmed I'll 
make a booking. Otherwise we will just rock up and see how we go.

== Upcoming Meetings ==
The rumour is that the April Hobart meeting will be a talk about using 
Wireshark, but there isn't anything else yet planned for the rest of the 

If you have a talk you would like to present or there are any topics you 
are interested in hearing about, then please get in touch with Scott 
(jsbragg at scriptforge.org).

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.


IRC: #taslug (Freenode - https://freenode.net/)
Matrix: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#taslug:matrix.org

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