[PHPwestoz] any opinions on moving to php5?

Sol sol at terminus.net.au
Mon Jan 3 11:40:01 UTC 2005

Has anyone out there migrated to php5?

I'm in the situation where all my code is in php4 but nothing I write
personally is OOPHP. But now I want to move into OOPHP because I'm
writing larger programmes and can see the benefits. Yet PHP's OO syntax
in PHP5 is quite different and I'm not sure if I want to make the effort
of learning, and then later relearning OOPHP _AND_ having to migrate
scripts. But on the other hand I have installed applications that run
under php4 and I'm guessing these will break if I move to php5. Nearly
all of the many web applications I run are php based. What to do?

cheers; sol

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