[Media] Media Team - next steps?

Linux Australia Secretary secretary at linux.org.au
Sun Feb 23 10:58:29 EST 2014

Hi everyone,

And an especially warm welcome to Alec and Marco,

Council will be doing our annual face to face in Hobart in a couple of 
weeks' time, and we'd like the Media Team to consider what direction, 
key activities and issues you foresee for this year so that we can input 
them into our yearly planning.

Some of the activities we've previously discussed include;

- getting the newsletter off the ground again - 
- more presence in traditional and new media

What are your thoughts?

Kind regards,

Kathy Reid
Linux Australia

secretary at linux.org.au

Linux Australia Inc
GPO Box 4788
Sydney NSW 2001

ABN 56 987 117 479

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