Hi All,<br><br>As a practical matter, let's make the next meeting April 30, after daylight saving ends, to maximise potential participation.<br><br>I've fairly consistently failed to get my head around the impact of daylight saving time this summer (and the last ...), leading to "chat meetings" not happening for many reasons, including my absence at the "psychological moment".<br>
<br>I'd like to propose some options for the future of LUG IRC meetings:<br><br>1. In the summer, we could have a hiatus, since DST results in a 7pm timeslot for our Perth colleagues being a 10pm timeslot for Sydney/Melbourne.<br>
This would also account for Xmas & New Year / Australia Day public holidays, and the lead up to LCA.<br><br>2. Abandon the channel #linux-aus-lugs, but whenever it seems appropriate (winter months and/or when someone calls for a meet and/or perhaps during designated months) hold a meeting in #linux-aus. <br>
<br>3. Stop meetings altogether, and rely on the LUG COMMS mailing list for specific "spreading info to / seeking views from" LUGs.<br><br>We've had some lively meetings, some of them even stayed on topic ... but I haven't seen a lot of random chat in #linux-aus-lugs.<br>
When there have been meetings and people "turned up" it seemed some of them were expecting a designated topic and better organisation.<br><br>While I've been trying to "push" meetings lately, I'm not the channel owner, I'm not even the only person involved.<br>
So if anyone else has better ideas and wants to take charge ... feel free, I'll still join the channel any time, to be involved on behalf of CQLUG.<br><br>FYI:<br>-ChanServ- Information on #linux-aus-lugs:<br>-ChanServ- Founder : KatteKrab<br>
-ChanServ- Successor : freenode-staff<br>-ChanServ- Registered : Apr 30 11:22:14 2008 (4 years, 46 weeks, 1 day, 03:57:24 ago)<br>-ChanServ- Mode lock : +ntc-s<br>-ChanServ- Flags : GUARD<br>-ChanServ- *** End of Info ***<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Don Knowles, Rockhampton, Australia<br>a Founding Member of Central Queensland Linux User Group