Hi,<br><br>Sorry it took me so long, there's been a few things going on.<br>Below is an extra short extract, attached is the log duly hacked to minimise.<br>If anyone wants the full log, email me.<br><br>I won't be at the next IRC meet, it's my wedding anniversary ... but would be my last if I spent a couple<br>
of hours in front of the PC.<br>I will however leave mine on, so will be able to provide secretarial services as usual.<br>-------------------------<br>Extracted:<br>attended <donak> <KatteKrab> <jhesketh__> <quail> <jamesmtechy> <dns53> <earthnative> <pschulz01> <purserj> <elky> <tserong> <caprajax> <SuperRoach> <gorilla> <andyg> <subsonicsys> <lyte> <noisymime><br>
<br>Topics:<br>1. What did you do for Software Freedom Day?<br>2. How's the podcasting going? Can we contribute some material to the person working on it? (sorry, can't get to my notes)<br>3. possible national barcamp weekend<br>
4. resources for new LUGs - Mawson Lakes LUG<br><br><offtopic, but interesting -ED.><br><a href="http://www.itnews.com.au/News/156960,pirate-party-to-contest-next-federal-election.aspx">http://www.itnews.com.au/News/156960,pirate-party-to-contest-next-federal-election.aspx</a><br>
that three strikes law is gona kill all us linux users<br>file sharing is how the linux community survives<br>evry1 of us will be baned from the net for just updating our systems how ridicoulus is that<br>i have downloaded a bit off <a href="http://legaltorrents.com">legaltorrents.com</a><br>
when we download games theyl say its a strike even if they are free linux games and or software its still considerd part of filesharing<br>so by mentioning it i assume you have put your signature to start the party? you could ask in their irc room<br>
<br>1. What did you do for Software Freedom Day?<br>the SFD event at Goolwa was good but little slow, we got ~40 people through the door, and we setup a video call with Mt Gambier<br><a href="http://softwarefreedomday.org/melb">http://softwarefreedomday.org/melb</a> - we had a huge day!<br>
we at Central Qld LUG had ours a couple of weeks early, at CQUNI open day<br>Didn't have one in Sydney :(<br>it was very poorly organized here in sa imo<br>Suggestions (on creating a good event)? start organising at least 6 months in advance...preferably 9 months<br>
<br><br>2. How's the podcasting going? Can we contribute some material to the person working on it?<br>what is the idea of the podcast? podcast: talking about Linux, streaming or downloadable audio, an online radio show that you download, you could download an abc radio program for example<br>
please send me an email to dns_server-at-yahoo-dot-com, tell me about your lug, the email of the organiser, and any useful info like what the next meeting time and topic is<br>i'd be happy to have a co host, ideas, theme music, art work<br>
Email all LUGs and ask for a 30-60 sec audio segment from them about what they are doing in the coming month.<br>once you get rolling, delegate regional news.. ie. allow someone in each state to collect local LUG news.<br>
Find some poeple with particular interests and get them to host regular 'spots'. eg, Kernel News.<br><br><br>3. possible national barcamp weekend<br>I guess I just want to raise the idea of a coordinated barcamp - anzac day weekend - to see how many would be interested...<br>
so we could do joint promotion...have link-ups, video / audio / channels whatever...<br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp</a><br>programming isn't what it's about.. you bring along something that interests you to talk about.<br>
<a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/print/unreal-unconferences/">http://www.sitepoint.com/print/unreal-unconferences/</a><br>basically everyone thinks it's a great idea, but hard to organise<br>I think the "hard to organise" stemmed from the idea of running something in every city at once, linking them all together<br>
<br>4. resources for new LUGs - Mawson Lakes LUG<br>- LUG in a box? (still around?) - LUG constitution? - Auditor? - Additional advice?<br>LA can public liability issurance for your meetings. Sounds silly, but these days its pretty much mandatory<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Don Knowles<br>Rockhampton AUSTRALIA<br>