[Lugcomms] LUGcomms irc meet 26 aug minutes and transcript
Donna Benjamin
donna at cc.com.au
Wed Aug 27 08:56:32 EST 2008
Agenda SFD2008
status of website updates
event promotion
how to get CDs from paul wayper
how to get PLI coverage from LA.
Next Meeting:
Tues 30 September
(I won't be here - so someone else needs to chair)
* cafuego (Melbourne) Peter Lieverdink
* caprajax (Rockhampton)
* cwraig (Newcastle)
* donak (Rockhampton)
* elkbuntu (Sydney) Melissa Draper
* evil_steve (Melbourne) Steve Walsh
* friendly12345 (Melbourne)
* jhesketh (Hobart) Josh Hesketh
* Kattekrab (Melbourne) Donna Benjamin
* noorbeast (Brisbane) Gary
* PaulWay (Canberra) Paul Wayper
* purserj (Woolongongong) James Purser
* serialmonkey (Newcastle)
* yama (Sydney) Sridhar Dhanapalan
1) Software Freedom Day 2008
1.1) http://softwarefreedomday.org/australia
All Software Freedom Day Teams to update their pages and add a link
to /australia so Donna can collect data for a national press release to
go out next week.
If you already have press coverage - update
If you have press releases to share - upload
1.2) Email paulway at mabula.net if your group wants Open Discs for SFD
Next week Paul Wayper is arranging for 8000 CDs to be printed.
distributed to LUGs around the country. Postage is included to 10
locations so these can be distributed to LUGs around the country.
Email paulway at mabula.net with your physical address and the number of
CDs you want. This is for Software Freedom Day itself, but also for
distribution in your area. These are sponsored by Linux Australia.
1.3) Promotion strategies - local radio, posters
Even if you're not running an event for Software Freedom Day, perhaps
send a letter/article to your local newspaper and radio station about
the day, about open source... etc. Check
http://softwarefreedomday.org/australia and help promote your nearest
1.4) Public Liability: Steve Walsh says:
1.4.1) Yes, LA provides PLI for SFD provided you receive a CD from LA
1.4.2) Email council at linux.org.au
Subject: request for PLI for (lugname or town)
Name of Organisation or Event
Level of Coverage required
Brief Description
Contact Person: email + phone number
Physical Address (for posting CD)
URL (LUG, or event, or other relevant reference)
1.4.3) Certificate will follow
1.4.4) Linux Australia's PLI covers up to $10m. If your venue requires
more than that, make that very clear in the email.
Meeting finished up at 8:34PM
Transcript follows
(19:57:57) caprajax
[n=jack at ppp118-208-23-207.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] entered the room.
(19:58:44) PaulWay: hi caprajax!
(19:58:47) PaulWay: You from HUMBUG?
(19:58:57) caprajax: hi PaulWay
(19:59:19) caprajax: No, rocklug...Rockhampton Qld
(19:59:58) KatteKrab: wheeeee!
(20:00:03) KatteKrab: and so
(20:00:12) KatteKrab: Hi everyone!
(20:00:12) PaulWay: Excellent!
(20:00:19) KatteKrab: Only one Agenda Item tonight
(20:00:25) KatteKrab: Software Freedom Day!
(20:00:32) PaulWay: So it can take as long as we want :-)
(20:00:34) KatteKrab: hoping we can be done and dusted by 20:20
(20:00:36) serialmonkey: Hi everyone
(20:00:47) serialmonkey: I'm from LOGIN (in Newcastle)
(20:00:55) KatteKrab: hey serialmonkey :)
(20:01:04) PaulWay: I'm from CLUG in Canberra
(20:01:09) KatteKrab: hey caprajax
(20:01:21) KatteKrab: I'm from nowhere at the moment
(20:01:26) PaulWay: If you're interested, please (install and) use gobby
to connect to tangram.dnsalias.net:6522
(20:01:27) KatteKrab: melbourne
(20:01:31) donak [n=donak at d122-109-124-6.rdl7.qld.optusnet.com.au]
entered the room.
(20:01:36) KatteKrab: hey donak
(20:01:42) PaulWay: It's a shared document with the agenda and general
(20:01:43) cafuego: mlebourne
(20:01:59) donak: hi KatteKrab
(20:02:14) KatteKrab: Ok - SFD - I started a page
(20:02:30) KatteKrab: http://softwarefreedomday.org/australia
(20:02:34) caprajax: hi KatteKrab
(20:02:47) KatteKrab: aiming to be the jump off point for all the teams
in Oz
(20:03:10) KatteKrab: I'm putting together a national press release...
(20:03:21) KatteKrab: and have started on our melbourne one.
(20:03:30) KatteKrab: How are others going with promotion?
(20:03:45) KatteKrab: PR / media releases / local press contacts?
(20:04:02) PaulWay: Hmmm - need to look into that.
(20:04:18) serialmonkey: In Newcastle, we are organising a spot on local
ABC radio (did the same last year) and have finally got our venue's
organised - so poster should start going out at the end of the week.
(20:04:27) PaulWay: We're also running an Install Fest the week after,
so it'd be good to get some publicity for that too.
(20:05:10) KatteKrab: cool
(20:05:32) KatteKrab: PaulWay: do you want to tell ppl about your CDs?
and how to get them? etc?
(20:05:45) donak: we're not aiming to be involved in SFD in
Rockhampton ... too close, and we're still "getting to know"
(20:05:47) PaulWay: OK.
(20:06:03) noorbeast [n=zeus at ppp118-208-8-54.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net]
entered the room.
(20:06:19) donak: but we have discussed an installfest sometime before
Xmas, so would there be any chance of some of the "left over" discs?
(20:06:28) PaulWay: I've organised with Linux Australia to fund printing
about 8000 copies of the Open Disc.
(20:06:35) KatteKrab: donak: - a simple way to be involved without
having an event - is try to get some local media coverage for open
source in general.
(20:06:39) PaulWay: These will come in a paper sleeve with a clear
(20:07:05) KatteKrab: donak - perhaps write a short article or a letter
- and submit to local paper.
(20:07:08) PaulWay: donak: another might be to just have a bunch of
information that you can give out to friends and family on the day.
(20:07:10) donak: Letter to the Editor coming right up :-)
(20:07:13) KatteKrab: :)
(20:07:15) PaulWay: information, cds, etc.
(20:07:28) PaulWay: I did the same with Software Freedom Day when I was
in Gundagai the first year.
(20:07:41) friendly12345
[n=friendly at ppp59-167-65-187.lns1.mel6.internode.on.net] entered the
(20:07:44) donak: already do that PaulWay ... my family has stopped
talking to me ;-/
(20:07:46) KatteKrab: hey friendly12345 :)
(20:07:54) friendly12345: Hi there
(20:08:29) ***melissa suggests the capitals can try any way to get
mentioned in the MX trashy paper thing they hand out everywhere of an
(20:08:34) PaulWay: donak: ah. :-S
(20:08:58) PaulWay: So if your group would like some CDs, the please get
in contact with me now or via paulway at mabula.net
(20:09:15) donak: we're actually hanging signs up around the place, to
try to garner increased membership
(20:09:17) serialmonkey: Thanks, I'll let our team know.
(20:09:20) serialmonkey: One thing we are waiting on is confirmation of
the liability insurance (I believe one of team emailed the linux-aus
list but has had no reply yet)
(20:09:24) PaulWay: donak: good idea!
(20:10:51) KatteKrab: right...
(20:10:57) KatteKrab: yes...
(20:10:58) PaulWay: Basically I've already heard from Limestone Coast,
Southern Fleurieu in Adelaide, and Newcastle.
(20:11:05) KatteKrab: So - we have 3 threads at teh moment
(20:11:16) KatteKrab: CDs from PaulWay for SFD - sign up and order up.
(20:11:24) KatteKrab: Promotion strategies, press releases etc.
(20:11:26) PaulWay: I'd really like to hear from Brisbane, Sydney,
Hobard, Launceston, Perth, Adelaide, Biloela, and (most importantly)
(20:11:27) KatteKrab: and PLI
(20:11:45) PaulWay: That's enough from me on CDs
(20:11:55) KatteKrab: not sure any of the taswegians are online at
(20:12:00) KatteKrab: oh yes jhesketh ishere
(20:12:17) ***jhesketh is on the phone (Brb)
(20:12:23) KatteKrab: :)
(20:12:31) ***PaulWay points to tangram.dnsalias.net:6522 on gobby for
agenda and general notes
(20:12:46) donak: Biloela?
(20:13:06) PaulWay: Vitally important to our SFD plans.
(20:13:43) PaulWay: :-)
(20:14:07) KatteKrab: have SFD teams recieved their goodies from SFI?
(20:14:12) PaulWay: serialmonkey: I did see that email, no reply yet
(20:14:15) PaulWay: No.
(20:14:25) PaulWay: Not as of yesterday.
(20:14:40) KatteKrab: I saw a post from someone in germany - they've got
(20:14:45) serialmonkey: No from Newcastle too
(20:15:03) KatteKrab: ok - press releases...
(20:15:14) KatteKrab: I need quotes and details on what teams are doing
(20:15:39) cwraig [n=LegoUser at] entered the room.
(20:15:54) serialmonkey: Our page on the SFD wiki is updated with
Newcastle's plans
(20:15:55) PaulWay: And where is located in real space?
(20:15:57) donak: I'm 140km from Biloela, do they have a LUG out there?
or SFD team?
(20:16:06) PaulWay: I've linked to ours through sfd.org/australia
(20:16:23) evil_steve [n=evil_ste at] entered the room.
(20:16:24) PaulWay: donak: it was a failed attempt at humour.
(20:16:29) donak: OK
(20:16:37) cafuego: PaulWay: westnet, could be anywhere
(20:16:53) melissa: who wants Uncle Steve's guide to PLI?
(20:17:25) KatteKrab: we wantses it!!
(20:17:32) caprajax: donak, where are you?
(20:17:46) donak: << frazld where you are caprajax
(20:18:00) caprajax: rocky!
(20:18:12) cwraig: ( im from newcastle nsw
(20:18:23) evil_steve: 1)Yes, Linux Australia can provide PLI for SFD
teams that are receiving CD's from LA. the only reason this stipulation
is there is because we can cover events that are sponsored by LA. You
only have to get 1 CD to be sponsored.
(20:18:53) serialmonkey: Are we able to get an official letter (email on
letterhead, whatever) stating that ? Some venue's do request it
(20:18:56) melissa: evil_steve, which is easy to do by me sending a
package of 1cd to whoever ;)
(20:18:58) evil_steve: 2) We need an email from the team leader asking
for PLI, with a short description of the activities you will be
undertaking, and the level of coverage you will be needed, or have been
instructed to get.
(20:19:18) melissa: serialmonkey, there will be a certificate available
(20:19:22) melissa: 'certificate'
(20:19:23) PaulWay: Of course, you could order more... :-)
(20:19:31) evil_steve: 3)Once the ctte has received the request, we will
email the person back saying "yes, you are covered, here is the
certificate of currency"
(20:19:58) KatteKrab: welcome cwraig
(20:20:08) KatteKrab: thanks evil_steve - that is clear and concise.
(20:20:09) jhesketh: KatteKrab: well I've been in this channel but
forgot the meeting started so I haven't read the transcript. Did you
need me?
(20:20:09) melissa: we need enough time to send the cd though
(20:20:10) evil_steve: 4) If they want more than $20 million PLI, we
need to know ASAP (last year Albury/Wodonga council wanted ~$50
million), so we can try to sort something out
(20:20:12) KatteKrab: so who do we email?
(20:20:16) PaulWay: evil_steve: email you for that, evil_steve?
(20:20:27) serialmonkey: Excellent. Which email address should we send
the request to ? I believe we have sent one to the mailing list as well
as the LA executive, but I don't think we have had a reply
(20:20:30) KatteKrab: jhesketh: what's hobart doing for SFD?
(20:20:30) melissa: evil_steve, not 50, 20, but LA only had 10
(20:20:43) evil_steve: We, being both the royal and operative "we" means
the Linux Australia Council
(20:20:47) melissa: so we kinda lied...
(20:20:57) PaulWay: cttee at linux.org.au then?
(20:20:58) evil_steve: council at linux.org.au
(20:21:07) ***evil_steve checks
(20:21:12) PaulWay: Ta
(20:21:13) serialmonkey: Excellent, thanks evil_steve
(20:21:20) evil_steve: yes, we even accept email on that particular
email address that Paul provided
(20:21:23) melissa: evil_steve, how many mispellings do we cater for
(20:21:30) jhesketh: KatteKrab: Leah is trying to step down from
organising it. Chris Neugebauer is helping organise it (as far as I
know). He has contacts at the University of Tasmania or it may be at the
City hall.
(20:21:33) PaulWay: Please, for my sake, install gobby and log in to
tangram.dnsalias.net:6522 now!
(20:21:42) jhesketh: KatteKrab: The best person to contact would still
probably be Leah
(20:21:46) melissa: PaulWay, too much, sorry
(20:21:53) KatteKrab: jhesketh: aah I think I emailed chris today. cool!
(20:21:53) evil_steve: at last count, once I allowed for the variations
on council, we accept email on 47 different aliases
(20:22:01) jhesketh: :)
(20:22:11) melissa: evil_steve, the funniest being? :Þ
(20:22:15) KatteKrab: PaulWay: oops - forgot I wasn't logged in to gobby
(20:22:27) evil_steve: ccoommiitttteeee
(20:22:52) PaulWay: Is that one?
(20:22:55) melissa: was that for the kernel bug?
(20:23:01) evil_steve: elkbuntu: yes
(20:23:05) PaulWay: Great boiling buckets of cat!
(20:23:27) evil_steve: and now, it's time I returned to my drugs..
(20:23:58) KatteKrab: right
(20:24:06) PaulWay: Happy evil_steve :-)
(20:24:07) KatteKrab: I'm copying uncle steve's PLI recipe to gobby
(20:24:57) melissa: KatteKrab, with the corrected figures for 4, please.
last thing we need is FUD
(20:25:08) KatteKrab: hmmm...
(20:25:28) evil_steve: elkbuntu: but FUD is FUN
(20:25:34) KatteKrab: will teams get letters from LA on letterhead to
provide 'proof'? Or a copy of certificate of insurance? Or?
(20:25:55) PaulWay: well, it would look like evil_steve's drugs have
kicked in.
(20:25:56) jhesketh: PaulWay: We spoke before about CD's but I had to
run. If you could give me the details about how to get some of these
CD's for SFD I can pass them onto the Hobart+Launceston teams in
(20:25:57) KatteKrab: melissa: so - 10 million coverage?
(20:26:22) PaulWay: jhesketh: email me at paulway at mabula.net with a
rough idea of how many you'd like.
(20:26:47) jhesketh: PaulWay: No worries :). Is it openCD's or
others/other stuff too?
(20:26:58) melissa: KatteKrab, LA only had 10mil, Albury city wanted 20
mil iirc
(20:27:01) evil_steve: they will receive an email from the secretary or
President telling them they are covered as part of an official LA event,
and will be provided with a copy of the certificate. if they something
more on letterhead, then need to advise us in 2) of that need
(20:27:01) PaulWay: Open Disc.
(20:27:19) melissa: evil_steve, or request the token cd
(20:27:23) evil_steve: $10 million current
(20:27:26) PaulWay: It's better to print just one, more copies that way.
(20:27:55) evil_steve: elkbuntu: PaulWay is the CD corraller, it will be
far better from my point of view if people hassle him for CD's
(20:28:06) melissa: evil_steve, iirc we're still investigating a bump
for purposes of the CeBIT brain lasers insurance, no?
(20:28:09) PaulWay: I won't be sending a public liability insurance
certificate with the CDs, though, just to be clear.
(20:28:22) melissa: evil_steve, he's been instructed to point small
packs to me
(20:28:23) evil_steve: elkbuntu: yeah...sure..
(20:29:05) evil_steve: note to everyone, if PaulWay includes a PLI
certificate with the CD's, it's only valid in Paul's house, for when you
trip over a coffee table
(20:29:37) PaulWay: And remember, we have carnivorous coffee tables here
at Chateau des Wayper
(20:29:44) evil_steve: the solution there, ofc, is for us to hold *all*
SFD events in paul's loungeroom.
(20:30:01) PaulWay: The bad news is, we already have free software.
(20:30:04) melissa: evil_steve, should save on posting those cds around,
(20:30:04) PaulWay: :-)
(20:30:32) PaulWay: elkbuntu: The deal I've got with Replicat in Sydney
includes postage to ten groups.
(20:30:34) evil_steve: now, back to the those drugs
(20:30:37) evil_steve left the room.
(20:30:40) PaulWay: In most major centres.
(20:30:55) KatteKrab: Ok.
(20:30:59) melissa: PaulWay, yes, but my cds dont come with postage deal
(20:31:06) KatteKrab: so...
(20:31:18) KatteKrab: Any other issues? business?
(20:31:23) PaulWay: So has anyone else organised an install fest?
(20:31:27) PaulWay: Any tips?
(20:31:37) melissa: i have no idea. i'm still yet to find a venue
(20:31:44) melissa: being new to sydney is helping zero
(20:31:47) PaulWay: We're going to offer a variety of snacks and tea,
coffee and beverages.
(20:31:55) KatteKrab: melissa - thanks for getting evil steve here to
sort out PLI - should be easy for people to follow those instructions.
(20:32:31) melissa: KatteKrab, it's the same for any LA event, and i
believe documented $somewhere
(20:32:46) melissa: to be honest, i have little clue about the paperwork
(20:33:34) KatteKrab: fair enough.
(20:33:42) KatteKrab: well troops - I'm feeling a bit average...
(20:33:46) PaulWay: BTW, donak, if you think you can use the CDs even
after SFD then don't be afraid to order some.
(20:33:51) KatteKrab: so, I'm going to call it quits for this evening.
(20:33:57) PaulWay: Righto.
(20:33:59) KatteKrab: do feel free to carry on without me though!
(20:34:01) PaulWay: We can party on, then :-)
(20:34:07) KatteKrab: absolutely!
(20:34:08) KatteKrab: ;)
(20:34:21) donak: just won't be ordering in the thousands ... one
hundred, two hundred ... any more would be a waste I suspect
(20:34:31) PaulWay: No, that'd be fine.
(20:34:46) PaulWay: How many do you have, elkbuntu?
(20:35:25) melissa: PaulWay, i need to confirm with what sridhar has, so
not sure yet
(20:35:30) melissa: i have more than one flavour though
(20:35:57) PaulWay: Do you have education discs?
(20:35:58) melissa: openeducationdisc, fedora, ubuntu/edubuntu and
opensolaris i need to find out the usability of.
(20:36:12) PaulWay: Because the group in Southern Fleurieu was asking
for some.
(20:36:25) melissa: where is that and how big a population center?
(20:36:38) PaulWay: Near Adelaide. 100 CDs
(20:38:06) melissa: im not sure how many of those i have left
(20:38:47) melissa: but i'll look
(20:39:01) PaulWay: thanks :-)
(20:40:35) Czaxx [n=zak at 210-84-21-142.dyn.iinet.net.au] entered the
(20:47:57) PaulWay: How's things Czaxx - you're in Tastralia aren't you?
(20:48:08) ***PaulWay ducks behind, er, purserj.
(20:48:45) Czaxx: kind of
(20:48:48) Czaxx: :)
(20:49:01) donak: considering they're holding the conference there, it's
appropriate to treat 'em like a nation :-)
(20:49:32) donak: much more important than a mere state
(20:49:32) Czaxx: indeed
(20:49:59) Czaxx: always has been - u just haven't noticed b4
(20:50:17) Czaxx: :)
(20:53:57) serialmonkey left the room (quit: ).
(21:02:19) cafuego: PaulWay:
(21:02:29) cafuego: PaulWay: We're getting 500 of those done here.
(21:05:31) PaulWay: Downloading and setting up to seed now...
(21:05:35) PaulWay: Ta.
(21:06:26) cafuego: np :-)
(21:06:54) cafuego: Donna did a label for it, but that's based on our
SFD 07 efforts and has the vic govt logo on it too.
(21:08:30) Czaxx: thanks for that, we always get lots of requests for
mac ones - esp from the radio show :)
(21:08:44) cafuego: easy. just copied work done by others :-)
(21:10:18) cafuego: And on that note, I'm buggering off to the room with
the heater
(21:11:16) PaulWay: Heh.
(21:12:07) donak: cafuego, just over-clock every PC you have ... instant
warmth in the computer room
(21:12:50) PaulWay: I'm trying out the bar heater theory.
(21:12:53) PaulWay: So far I'm not convinced.
(21:13:05) Czaxx: meh, 'tis not cold
(21:25:20) jamesturnbull [n=jamestur at pelin.lovedthanlost.net] entered
the room.
(21:30:45) jamesturnbull left the room.
(21:37:01) Czaxx left the room.
(21:57:59) donak: PaulWay, we'll take 100 discs when the dust has
settled, if that's OK
(21:58:17) donak: 200 if you have heaps available after the fact
(22:01:13) donak: I'll send an email :-)
(22:16:27) PaulWay: donak: OK, thanks for that.
(22:34:16) noorbeast left the room (quit: "Bye").
(22:42:25) donak: thank you, email sent btw
(22:46:34) friendly12345 left the room (quit: "Leaving.").
(22:49:35) jhesketh left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat").
(22:49:48) caprajax left the room (quit: "Leaving").
(23:16:46) donak: nite all
(23:16:54) donak left the room (quit: "Cogito, Ergo Sum ... I
think ...").
(23:16:57) PaulWay: See you!
(23:17:04) PaulWay: Same here. Bye!
Donna Benjamin - Executive Director
Creative Contingencies - http://cc.com.au
ph +61 3 9326 9985 - mob +61 418 310 414
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