Hello, I'm a novice in signal field. I was trying to out a simple program (which I've pasted below). When the binary was executed, signal handler for SIGFPE was executed continuously even though I've written a signal handler for it. My query is, why kernel continuously gives this signal to my program Or Am I missing something in my code?? If I reset signal handler for SIGFPE to defualt one in the signal handler function, then my program gets terminated. Regards, Madhav. ====================================================== #include #include #include void sighand(int sig) { printf("\nSig Recd %d", sig); /* ** Should signal handler be reset here for SIGFPE to default here ???? */ } int main() { struct sigaction act; int j=10,k; act.sa_handler = sighand; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGFPE); (void) sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, 0); k=j/0; printf("\ndone!!\n"); return 0; } ====================================================== _________________________________________________________ There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com. Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs