[LCP] input needed

Zach netrek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 09:56:54 UTC 2007

I would like to write a parser for a game log file (ASCII text). There
will be many different sorts of text I will need to identify and
group. I guess I need first to decide on existing sentinels in the
data I can use. I am wondering what would be the best way to find and
process the data files. The final output will be a colorized HTML set
of files with frames, one frame corresponding to each of a 4 different
message types. A lot of data in the files I will just ignore, I just
want basically to extract the messages people type to one another and
to their team, global or personal message boards. So should I just
read one line at a time or read chunks?
I heard in C there is a couple different ways I could do this task.
Any ideas with code snippets or psuedocode would be helpful.


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