[LCP]Linux sin() code

Mike & Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at shaysnet.com
Tue Mar 12 01:03:07 UTC 2002

> > Can some one help me in getting the sin() (math sine function)
> > complete code. I mean the complete function with all expansions.

    I'm not sure what you are looking for here, how the standard Linux
library functions do things like the trig functions OR the more general
question, "How is something like that done?" (ie: what are the various
ways that might be done, explanation of why the algorithm is correct,
what are the tradeoffs in the algorithms, etc.).

    In the latter case what you want is not to look up how Linux does it
(not likely to get the explanations you seek however good an approach
might have been chosen) but one of the algorithm books. In a case like
this, you might as well start with the "classics" (eg: have you tried
Donald Knuth "Numerical Algorithms").


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