[LCP]Which one is faster - program with unix system calls or direct c code

Matthew Vanecek linux4us at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 17 13:37:03 UTC 2001

On 16 Jul 2001 11:35:49 -0700, Bill Rausch wrote:
> At 12:16 PM -0500 7/15/01, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> >Unix system calls may be a smidge quicker wrt execution time.  However,
> >they are a pain to use in many cases, and in most cases, you're not
> System calls are generally slower, not faster. To perform a system 
> call, a context switch has to take place for the kernel to do it's 
> thing.  The standard library routines use buffering specifically to 
> avoid making so many system calls.

How about if you are doing atomic reads/writes, and using fread/fwrite
you would be writing the same number of bytes?  If I read(fd,buf,100),
or fread(buf,100,1,file), which would be faster?  Either way, I'm
reading into buf, but with read(), I'm bypassing all the buffering logic
of fread().  At least, that's the way it looks to me.
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print
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except me.
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